They know the exact date...every 138 years. May 15/16..the Vatican changed the calendar and hid it ..the Mayan long calendar forecast was never 2012 ..if you have the kolbrin bible it has the book of jasher in it and they talk about it. The book of Enoch also removed talks of it. It was removed from the bible but the Sodom and Gomorrah incident was describing a phoenix is something hidden in the sky..put there to stop our escape...the bible talks of the cornerstone coming to set the captives free. It's going to happen. The flood was the vapour canopy collapsing ..the sun was visible..there was a rainbow...
When it happens it can start the vapour canopy's not junk DNA inside us..we can instantly adapt to vapour canopy conditions. It blocks out the never rains nor any's humid and hot. The stars seem very low the sky is purple...Prince..purple rain? He knew..babies born under vapour canopy conditions are giants. Smithsonian institution hid them's hard to die..instant healing of wounds. Velovsky talks of vapour canopy conditions ..but it's not another planet that is doing the damage
I would recommend jason of took him over twenty years to piece al! this together through the historical record and he shows you each piece of data in his bibliography of 1300 books..he keeps getting sent more very old books..I am sure you know who has taken over all the publisher's and who owns Google? Wikipedia?
They know the exact date...every 130 years...the Vatican change the calendar and hid it ..the Mayan long calendar forecast was never 2012 ..if you have the kolbrin bible it has the book of jasher in it and they talk about it. The book of Enoch also remove talks of it. It was removed from the bible but the Sodom and Gomorrah incident was describing a phoenix is something hidden in the sky..put there to stop our escape...the bible talks of the cornerstone coming to set the captives free. It's going to happen.
When it happen it can start the vapour canopy's not junk DNA inside us..we can instantly adapt to vapour canopy conditions. It blocks out the never rains nor any's humid and hot. The stars seem very low the sky is purple...Prince..purple rain? He knew..babies born under vapour canopy conditions are giants. Smithsonian institution hid them's hard to die..instant healing of wounds. Velovsky talks of vapour canopy conditions ..but it's noypt another planet that is doing the damage
I would recommend jason of took him over twenty years to piece al! this together through the historical record and he shows you each piece of data in his bibliography of 1300 books..he keeps getting sent more very old books..I am sure you know who has taken over all the publisher's and who owns Google? Wikipedia?
They know the exact date...every 130 years...the Vatican change the calendar and hid it ..the Mayan long calendar forecast was never 2012 ..if you have the kolbrin bible it has the book of jasher in it and they talk about it. The book of Enoch also remove talks of it. It was removed from the bible but the Sodom and Gomorrah incident was describing a phoenix is something hidden in the sky..put there to stop our escape...the bible talks of the cornerstone coming to set the captives free. It's going to happen.
When it happen it can start the vapour canopy's not junk DNA inside us..we can instantly adapt to vapour canopy conditions. It blocks out the never rains nor any's humid and hot. The stars seem very low the sky is purple...Prince..purple rain? He knew..babies born under vapour canopy conditions are giants. Smithsonian institution hid them's hard to die..instant healing of wounds.
I would recommend jason of took him over twenty years to piece al! this together through the historical record and he shows you each piece of data in his bibliography of 1300 books..he keeps getting sent more very old books..I am sure you know who has taken over all the publisher's.