Would you guys who still believe this bullshit ... WAKE THE FUCK UP?
From the article:
When the virus was identified and sequenced and called SARS-COV-2 ...
It was NEVER "identified and sequenced" in any real, physical sense.
It was NEVER isolated and purified so that "it" could be looked at and studied.
It was NEVER then genetically sequenced to find its DNA/RNA pattern.
What happened was this:
(1) Some people got sick in China, just as they do every day of the year, and especially in the Winter.
(2) ONE person went to ONE doctor, who then took a fluid sample.
(3) That ONE doctor then either himself or via "Wuhan Lab" (gee, not a problem since Fauci funded that lab) did a FAKE analysis where they used a FAKE process to "identify" and compare it to SARS-CoV-1 from 2003 (which itself was also a fake analysis using a fake process).
(4) This ONE doctor then CLAIMED to the world that he had discovered something NEW (aka a "novel" coronavirus), and the Plandemic was on.
This virus DOES NOT EXIST.
It has NEVER existed.
It CANNOT exist.
Why can I say that with confidence?
Because in April 2021, Stefan Lanka, a German virologist questioned the entire process of virology. He realized that the current method (the ONLY method) used by virologists to supposedly study "viruses" started back in 1954, when John Enders came up with a new strategy to supposedly look at "viruses."
By the early 1950's, virology was dead. They had tried since the late 1800's to prove that viruses existed.
They could not.
They could NEVER take a fluid sample from a sick person (with a "virus," supposedly) and give it to a healthy person, and make the healthy person sick. They tried this on thousands of people, and NOT ONE person was EVER made sick.
They could NEVER "see" this thing they called a "virus." It was all THEORTICAL, as they had NO ACTUAL PROOF.
Virology was a dead science. Until John Enders came along, and created a FAKE process to "study viruses." In his own published paper, he included a footnote stating that maybe what he was looking at was not actually a virus, but might just be dead cellular debris, which was created from this (fake) process he came up with.
Never letting facts get in the way of making money, virology was reborn, and to this day, ALL of virology uses this FAKE PROCESS to supposedly claim that they (a) study viruses, (b) know what viruses do, and (c) vaccine companies can make drugs to stop them.
It is all a LIE, and many virologists themselves have no clue that they are studying nothing but dead cellular debris, which did not even exist in the person from whom they took the bodily fluid to study.
The person in the article DOES NOT KNOW WHAT HE IS TALKING ABOUT.
Notice, he does NOT mention any research he actually did himself (if any). He just repeats what OTHER people said, and then makes up his own theory about what happened.
He might even believe his THEORY, but he has NO PROOF -- because none is possible.
Therefore, his THEORY has NO MERIT.
I don't care who he is, who he thinks he is, or how much of an expert he or anyone else thinks he is.
If his theory is WRONG, then his theory is WRONG. Period.
Learn about this subject, and stop being duped:
Watch the first 40 minutes of that video, and save yourself a lifetime of fear and ignorance.
P.S. bubble_bursts has a nasty habit and history of banning me when I say something he/she disagrees with. Censorship, don't ya know. Let's see if we can have a REAL discussion here, this time.
Would you guys who still believe this bullshit ... WAKE THE FUCK UP?
From the article:
When the virus was identified and sequenced and called SARS-COV-2 ...
It was NEVER "identified and sequenced" in any real, physical sense.
It was NEVER isolated and purified so that "it" could be looked at and studied.
It was NEVER then genetically sequenced to find its DNA/RNA pattern.
What happened was this:
(1) Some people got sick in China, just as they do every day of the year, and especially in the Winter.
(2) ONE person went to ONE doctor, who then took a fluid sample.
(3) That ONE doctor then either himself or via "Wuhan Lab" (gee, not a problem since Fauci funded that lab) did a FAKE analysis where they used a FAKE process to "identify" and compare it to SARS-CoV-1 from 2003 (which itself was also a fake analysis using a fake process).
(4) This ONE doctor then CLAIMED to the world that he had discovered something NEW (aka a "novel" coronavirus), and the Plandemic was on.
This virus DOES NOT EXIST.
It has NEVER existed.
It CANNOT exist.
Why can I say that with confidence?
Because in April 2021, Stefan Lanka, a German virologist questioned the entire process of virology. He realized that the current method (the ONLY method) used by virologists to supposedly study "viruses" started back in 1954, when John Enders came up with a new strategy to supposedly look at "viruses."
By the early 1950's, virology was dead. They had tried since the late 1800's to prove that viruses existed.
They could not.
They could NEVER take a fluid sample from a sick person (with a "virus," supposedly) and give it to a healthy person, and make the healthy person sick. They tried this on thousands of people, and NOT ONE person was EVER made sick.
They could NEVER "see" this thing they called a "virus." It was all THEORTICAL, as they had NO ACTUAL PROOF.
Virology was a dead science. Until John Enders came along, and created a FAKE process to "study viruses." In his own published paper, he included a footnote stating that maybe what he was looking at was not actually a virus, but might just be dead cellular debris, which was created from this (fake) process he came up with.
Never letting facts get in the way of making money, virology was reborn, and to this day, ALL of virology uses this FAKE PROCESS to supposedly claim that they (a) study viruses, (b) know what viruses do, and (c) vaccine companies can make drugs to stop them.
It is all a LIE, and many virologists themselves have no clue that they are studying nothing but dead cellular debris, which did not even exist in the person from whom they took the bodily fluid to study.
The person in the article DOES NOT KNOW WHAT HE IS TALKING ABOUT.
Notice, he does NOT mention any research he actually did himself (if any). He just repeats what OTHER people said, and then makes up his own theory about what happened.
He might even believe his THEORY, but he has NO PROOF -- because none is possible.
Therefore, his THEORY has NO MERIT.
I don't care who he is, who he thinks he is, or how much of an expert he or anyone else thinks he is.
If his theory is WRONG, then his theory is WRONG. Period.
Learn about this subject, and stop being duped:
Watch the first 40 minutes of that video, and save yourself a lifetime of fear and ignorance.