"And who the fuck are you," Einstein," ,. It seems the only Dumbass around here is you,.You obviously missed your Lessons over the past 2 years,.So Mr Professional, wheres your Invention.??,..!!! So, STFU,,..!!!!!~
"And who the fuck are you," Einstein," ,. It seems the only Dumbass around here is you,.You obviously missed your Lessons over the past 2 years,.So Mr Professional, wheres your Invention.??,..!!! go fuck yourself,,..!!!!!~
"And who the fuck are you," Einstein," ,. It seems the only Dumbass around here is you,.,.So Mr Professional, wheres your Invention.??,..!!! go fuck yourself,,..!!!!!~
"And who the fuck are you," Einstein," ,. It seems the only Dunbass around here is you,.,.So Mr Professional, wheres your Invention.??,..!!! go fuck yourself,,..!!!!!~
"And who the fuck are you Einstein, go fuck yourself,. I post what i want,.It seems the only Dunbass is you,.,. wheres your Inventions,..!!! So fuck off,..!!!!!~