Gettysburg, the movie. Watched again tonight and believe every American should watch it because nothing embodies America in a movie more than this. No monsters. All heros, North and South.
I have visited Gettysburg at least 15 times. I am married to a Civil War buff. He took me to Andersonville on our honeymoon for heaven's sake. I had been to every presentation available about Gettysburg. I understood, but not really until I saw the movie. I now weap when I consider that more American men died in those 3 days than in the entire Vietnam War, and both sides had a moving and moral reason for being on that battlefield. This country needs to understand that it is entirely possible to be the other side of the coin and be a good and admirable person.
Gettysburg, the movie. Watched again tonight and believe every American should watch it because nothing embodies America in a movie more than this. No monsters. All heros, North and South.
I have visited Gettysburg at least 15 times. I am married to a Civil War buff. He took me to Andersonville on our honeymoon for heaven's sake. I had been to every presentation available about Gettysburg. I understood, but not really until I saw the movie. I now weap when I consider that more men died in those 3 days than in the entire Vietnam War, and both sides had a moving and moral reason for being on that battlefield. This country needs to understand that it is entirely possible to be the other side of the coin and be a good and admirable person.