Damn you hit that nail square on the head and sunk it with one swing ,,, truth truth truth !! We can not let them weasel their murderous asses out of this ! That’s exactly what’s going on ,, why else would this ever be allowed to go to print ,, so now we were right they were wrong , oh well ,, hell know , and they get some unknown to write it , who is this guy ?? A medical student … please ! This is kind of like that amnesty letter that came out , Oh we need to forgive each other , no way. We did nothing wrong , we tried to save lives , you murdered people !
Damn you hit that nail square on the head and sunk it with one swing ,,, truth truth truth !! We can not let them weasel their murderous asses out of this ! That’s exactly what’s going on ,, why else would this ever be allowed to go to print ,, who is this guy ?? A medical student … please !