Yeah! On my laptop rn. Hopefully that issue is only on mobile! Was just a thought I had and only tried it out on the one second. Though, part of the inspiration behind the thought was the phrase "future proves past". Like, examining things from the future and then going to the past could bring about a new perspective. That's all. would be cool if this brought about other interesting strings like this, too!
Yeah! On my laptop rn. Hopefully that issue is only on mobile! Was just a thought I had and only tried it out on the one second. Though, part of the inspiration behind the thought was the phrase "future proves past". Like, examining things from the future and then going to the past could bring about a new perspective. That's all. would be cool if this brought about other interesting strings like this as well!
Yeah! On my laptop rn. Hopefully that issue is only on mobile! Was just a thought I had and only tried it out on the one second. Though, part of the inspiration behind the thought was the phrase "future proves past". Like, examining thing from the future and then going to the past could bring about a new perspective. That's all. would be cool if this brought about other interesting strings like this as well!
Yeah! On my laptop rn. Hopefully that issue is only on mobile! Was just a thought I had and only tried it out on the one second. Though, part of the isnpiration behind the thought was the phrase "future proves past". Like, examining thing from the future and then going to the past could bring about a new perspective. That's all. would be cool if this brought about other interesting strings like this as well!