He says doses.
He's French. In French the letter S is often pronounced as Z when not the first letter of a word; and terminal -S is usually silent; so "doses" comes out sounding like "doze".
He had just been referring to the 100,000 doses. Then immediately he says how can we make a billion doses next year? There's going to be a pandemic!
He says doses.
He's French. In French the letter S is pronounced as Z when not the first letter of a word; and terminal -S is usually silent; so "doses" comes out sounding like "doze".
He had just been referring to the 100,000 doses. Then immediately he says how can we make a billion doses next year? There's going to be a pandemic!
He says doses. He was just talking about the 100,000 doses. Then immediately he says how can we make a billion doses next year? There's going to be a pandemic!