Partly correct. "Do as thy wilt" is definitely one of the demonic spirit teachings. But these people aren't all members of this public front to satanism. Do as thy wilt coincides with the original sin with Atom.
Atom's original sin was taking a bite from the fruit of the tree of knowledge under the direction of satan. He had convinced Atom that he would not die, but would instead be turned into a god himself. Atom was convinced to become "woke".
Do as thy wilt means that the person presumes to be a god themselves. That they reject the teachings of Jesus and that God doesnt know how to lead and teach a person how to be a pure and righteous being. This claims that they themselves know better than God.
These people believe in the sprit of the devil, and worship the old God's from the times of the Khazarian's and Babylonia. They were often worshipped using child sacrifice. These gods seem to come in many names from different cultures, but it comes down to the spirit of the devil/satan.
"The Khazarian king and his inner circle of oligarchs kept practicing ancient Babylonian black-magic, also known as Secret Satanism. This Secret Satanism involved occult ceremonies featuring child sacrifice, after “bleeding them out”, drinking their blood and eating their hearts.
The deep dark secret of the occult ceremonies was that they were all based on ancient Baal Worship, also known as worship of the Owl."
That's why Q refrences owl's... You see the arch of Baal now contructed in New York and in DC. And now apparently Baal's consort/wife Ashera above the courthouse in NY.
People are born flawed, the devil know's that without proper guidance from a proper teacher and the rejection of God, trusting only in ourselves for discernment, our souls will be easy prey. That's why "do as thy wilt" is preached. Believing that you are the only one who knows what is "right", is what pushes you away from God and his teachings.
Remember, God/Jesus know you aren't perfect. God just wants you to accept Jesus as your teacher, and that he died on the cross for your sins. As long as you acknowledge that you have sin'd and continuously try work towards Christ's teachings, you are part of God's family.
Partly correct. "Do as thy wilt" is definitely one of the demonic spirit teachings. But these people aren't all members of this public front to satanism. Do as thy wilt coincides with the original sin with Atom.
Atom's original sin was taking a bite from the fruit of the tree of knowledge under the direction of satan. He had convinced Atom that he would not die, but would instead be turned into a god himself. Atom was convinced to become "woke".
Do as thy wilt means that the person presumes to be a god themselves. That they reject the teachings of Jesus and that God doesnt know how to lead and teach a person how to be a pure and righteous being. This claims that they themselves know better than God.
These people believe in the sprit of the devil, and worship the old God's from the times of the Khazarian's and Babylonia. They were often worshipped using child sacrifice. These gods seem to come in many names from different cultures, but it comes down to the spirit of the devil/satan.
"The Khazarian king and his inner circle of oligarchs kept practicing ancient Babylonian black-magic, also known as Secret Satanism. This Secret Satanism involved occult ceremonies featuring child sacrifice, after “bleeding them out”, drinking their blood and eating their hearts.
The deep dark secret of the occult ceremonies was that they were all based on ancient Baal Worship, also known as worship of the Owl."
That's why Q refrences owl's... You see the arch of Baal now contructed in New York and in DC. And now apparently Baal's consort/wife Ashera above the courthouse in NY.
People are born flawed, the devil know's that without proper guidance from a proper teacher and the rejection of god, trusting only in ourselves for discernment, our souls will be easy prey. That's why "do as thy wilt" is preached. Believing that you are the only one who knows what is "right", is what pushes you away from God and his teachings.