I did find God. More of a informational thing than religious, I study the Quran and I have a Bible (NKJV). Saved my life and proved to me there is indeed much more to this than what I thought before. Its hard to imagine myself 10 years ago before God, it doesn't feel like me but the memories are real. Impostor syndrome is real now.
The next journey is tough but with God at my side I have the guidance I can trust. I don't believe in death, I think death has been corrupted to mean what it means today to deter losing bodies in an industrialized society. How else would a society or governments survive?
The meaning of life varies by locales. In rural areas it tends to be valued and cherished, but in Cali you can get ran over and the other party is gone in a hit and run. Some feel negatively of suicide while others are praising it like it's a grand moment. Some are saving lives, while some are sacrificing them or themselves. I think the selfish ones are the ones still alive and commenting on the loss.
To understand life is to understand death. For there to be light there has to be dark, cold and hot, death life is all consciousness. Sure, there's more to it but it's all the same thing.
I sure won't kms soon. If I do I have a DMS to help protect innocent children in California and other states. I am with God at my side so eternally I have the guidance I need and trust. Its not the same battle everyday, so no guarantees I'll be here tomorrow but God bless all of yall. My life is complete, you are all more of a patriot than quite a few of the soldiers I served with who were only there for money and tiktok videos.
I did find God. More of a informational thing than religious, I study the Quran and I have a Bible (NKJV). Saved my life and proved to me there is indeed much more to this than what I thought before. Its hard to imagine myself 10 years ago before God, it doesn't feel like me but the memories are real. Impostor syndrome is real now.
The next journey is tough but with God at my side I have the guidance I can trust. I don't believe in death, I think death has been corrupted to mean what it means today to deter losing bodies in an industrialized society. How else would a society or governments survive?
The meaning of life varies by locales. In rural areas it tends to be valued and cherished, but in Cali you can get ran over and the other party is gone in a hit and run. Some feel negatively of suicide while others are praising it like it's a grand moment. Some are saving lives, while some are sacrificing them or themselves. I think the selfish ones are the ones still alive and commenting on the loss.
To understand life is to understand death. For there to be light there has to be dark, cold and hot, death life is all consciousness. It's all the same thing.
I sure won't kms soon. If I do I have a DMS to help protect innocent children in California and other states. I am with God at my side so eternally I have the guidance I need and trust. Its not the same battle everyday, so no guarantees I'll be here tomorrow but God bless all of yall. My life is complete, you are all more of a patriot than quite a few of the soldiers I served with who were only there for money and tiktok videos.
I did find God. More of a informational thing than religious, I study the Quran and I have a Bible (NKJV). Saved my life and proved to me there is indeed much more to this than what I thought before. Its hard to imagine myself 10 years ago before God, it doesn't feel like me but the memories are real. Impostor syndrome is real now.
The next journey is tough but with God at my side I have the guidance I can trust. I don't believe in death, I think death has been corrupted to mean what it means today to deter losing bodies in an industrialized society. How else would a society or governments survive?
The meaning of life varies by locales. In rural areas it tends to be valued and cherished, but in Cali you can get ran over and the other party is gone in a hit and run. Some feel negatively of suicide while others are praising it like it's a grand moment. Some are saving lives, while some are sacrificing them or themselves. I think the selfish ones are the ones still alive and commenting on the loss.
To understand life is to understand death. For there to be light there has to be dark, cold and hot. It's all the same thing.
I sure won't kms soon. If I do I have a DMS to help protect innocent children in California and other states. I am with God at my side so eternally I have the guidance I need and trust. Its not the same battle everyday, so no guarantees I'll be here tomorrow but God bless all of yall. My life is complete, you are all more of a patriot than quite a few of the soldiers I served with who were only there for money and tiktok videos.