Someone has to try bbby.
Op I woke up in the middle of the night without my contacts in and this is the first post I saw. I’m feeling so good now. I do sense MOASS is so close.
Edit: as a twice suspend sooner this is the best post I’ve ever seen on GAW.
OP, Steve Bannon has made many comments about Artificial intelligence and it’s importance to our future and that we must get a hold of the direction of the technology. I do feel many of the Potus movement had been generated by AI input. He’s too relaxed and it seems like all his moves are the perfect moves. So many massive Ls by the cabal to me means operations like Jade Helm real time AI battle field decision exercise has gone live, except with information.
Elon posted this tweet just now about the “Woke” crowd feeling heat today.
By congress having access to all of Twitter and their backend documentation, these idiots have zero choice but to perjure themselves openly.
I do believe AI has calculated the highest best outcome for all of us. THE BEST IS YET TO COME ( MOASS IS TOMMOROW)
Someone has to try bbby.
Op I woke up in the middle of the night without my contacts in and this is the first post I saw. I’m feeling so good now. I do sense MOASS is so close.