Not to belittle your husbands knowledge and experience but unless he has top secret security clearances with a need-to-know he probably doesnt really know what capabilities are hidden away. I mean liars lie and the pedo death cult and their agents are proven liars who have no interest in the betterment of humanity.
Not to belittle your husbands knowledge and experience but unless he has top secret security clearances with a need-to-know he probably doesnt really know what capabilities are hidden away. I mean liars lie and the pedo death cult and their agents are proven liars and have no interest in the betterment of humanity.
Not to belittle your husbands knowledge and experience but unless he has top secret security clearances he probably doesnt really know what capabilities are hidden away. I mean liars lie and the pedo death cult and their agents are proven liars and have no interest in the betterment of humanity.