They created the link between 'conservative' and right-wing and cast them selves as liberal because liberal good and conservative stodgy and backwards.........
We really need to get away from using terms they shaped and defined.
Take me for instance, I'm an old-school anarchist(closest political comparison would be libertarian), decidedly on the right side of the political spectrum but nowhere near anything that is the conservative stereotype.
There's rather a lot of us but we usually stay quiet because we can't really be bothered with the reeactions......
They created the link between 'conservative' and right-wing and cast them selves as liberal because liberal good and conservative stodgy and backwards.........
We really need to get away from using terms they shaped and defined.
Take me for instance, I'm an old-school anarchist(closes political comparison would be libertarian), decidedly on the right side of the political spectrum but nowhere near anything that is the conservative stereotype.
There's rather a lot of us but we usually stay quiet because we can't really be bothered with the reeactions......
They created the link between 'conservative' and right-wing and cast them selves as liberal because liberal good and conservative stogy and backwards.........
We really need to get away from using terms they shaped and defined.
Take me for instance, I'm an old-school anarchist(closes political comparison would be libertarian), decidedly on the right side of the political spectrum but nowhere near anything that is the conservative stereotype.
There's rather a lot of us but we usually stay quiet because we can't really be bothered with the reeactions......