If we have a bet for $10k that I will fly to the moon and back, and tomorrow I show you a diary entry stating I just flew to the moon and back... would you pay me the $10k?
OR do extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence?
But we're expected to believe in god/jesus/heaven because of a bible passage?
If we have a bet for $10k that I will fly to the moon and tomorrow I show you a diary entry stating I just flew to the moon and back... would you pay me the $10k?
OR do extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence?
But we're expected to believe in god/jesus/heaven because of a bible passage?
If we have a bet for $10k that I will fly to the moon and back later today and tomorrow I show you a diary entry stating I just flew to the moon and back... would you pay me the $10k?
OR do extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence?
But we're expected to believe in god/jesus/heaven because of a bible passage?