Surprised nobody is talking about the pedo ad with the ~13-yr-old girl in a bikini grinning as she first looks down at an adult man's crotch, and then sits next to him and leans into he's wearing bright red bikini bottoms.
Or the disgusting homo-pederasty Pringles ad: Final shot is a grinning old man with his arm around young guy's shoulder, as young guy, looking nervous, points a large, erection-angled Pringles can toward him. Which is also pointed directly at the tagline on the screen:
I swear I am not making this up.
Subtlety, thy name is faggotry.
The visuals here are what we're talking about. Not the dippy dialog nobody is listening to, where these are ostensibly just family members. Visuals.
Surprised nobody is talking about the pedo ad with the ~13-yr-old girl in a bikini grinning as she first looks down at an adult man's crotch, and then sits next to him and leans into he's wearing bright red bikini bottoms.
Or the disgusting homo-pederasty Pringles ad: Final shot is a grinning old man with his arm around young guy's shoulder, as young guy points a large, erection-angled Pringles can toward him. Which is also pointed directly at the tagline on the screen:
I swear I am not making this up.
Subtlety, thy name is faggotry.
The visuals here are what we're talking about. Not the dippy dialog nobody is listening to, where these are ostensibly just family members. Visuals.
Surprised nobody is talking about the pedo ad with the 13-yr-old girl grinning as she first looks down at an adult man's crotch, and then sits next to him and leans into he's wearing bright red bikini bottoms.
Or the disgusting homo-pederasty Pringles ad
A grinning old man has arm around young guy's shoulder, as young guy points an erection-angled Pringles can toward him. Which is also pointed directly at the tagline on the screen:
I swear I am not making this up.
Subtlety, thy name is faggotry.
The visuals here are what we're talking about. Not the dippy dialog nobody is listening to, where these are ostensibly just family members. Visuals.
Surprised nobody is talking about the pedo ad with the 13-yr-old girl grinning as she first looks down at an adult man's crotch, and then sits next to him and leans into he's wearing bright red bikini bottoms.
Or the disgusting homo-pederasty Pringles ad
A grinning old man has arm around young guy's shoulder, as young guy points an erection-angled Pringles can toward him. Which is also pointed directly at the tagline on the screen:
Subtlety, thy name is faggotry.
The visuals here are what we're talking about. Not the dippy dialog nobody is listening to, where these are ostensibly just family members. Visuals.
Surprised nobody is talking about the disgusting homo-pederasty Pringles ad
A grinning old man has arm around young guy's shoulder, as young guy points an erection-angled Pringles can toward him. Which is also pointed directly at the tagline on the screen:
Subtlety, thy name is faggotry.