Not all.
His younger brother Robert died in 2020 after "suddenly falling ill" at the age of 71, no cause of death was released (to my knowledge).
Then his ex-wife Ivana, age 73, the mother of Don Jr., Eric and Ivanka, died in 2022 after a staircase "mishap" of some sort. POTUS stated that "Ivana never fell" when speaking of her resilience in life. Strange thing to say after she was found at the bottom of a staircase and some speculate that she was pushed.
Not all.
His younger brother Robert died in 2020 after "suddenly falling ill" at the age of 71, no cause of death was released (to my knowledge).
Then his ex-wife Ivana, the mother of Don Jr., Eric and Ivanka, age 73, died in 2022 after a staircase "mishap" of some sort. POTUS stated that "Ivana never fell" when speaking of her resilience in life. Strange thing to say after she was found at the bottom of a staircase and some speculate that she was pushed.
Not all.
His younger brother Robert died in 2020 after "suddenly falling ill" at the age of 71, no cause of death was released (to my knowledge).
Then his ex-wife Ivana, the mother of Don Jr., Eric and Ivanka, died after a staircase "mishap" of some sort. POTUS stated that "Ivana never fell" when speaking of her resilience in life. Strange thing to say after she was found at the bottom of a staircase and some speculate that she was pushed.