You're right, I forgot to average the voltage. However you forgot that an uncharged capacitor present iteslf to the circuit like a open short.
You have to charge the capacitor to the breakdown voltage in the air like in a marx generator ( which is not 10 kv/cm, it's 30 kv/cm
So you canot escape that he his charging a >0.5 nF capacitor setup to 450 KV, which takes 100 watts of energy to do.
Plus the capacitors fully discharge because if you use a bonetti style instead of having metal sectors, the capactors overshoot when discharging and flip the polarity of the entire machine and makes AC instead of DC.
The following example is less voltage AND less current AND it's running back through a corona motor into a dc motor and it's still powering 18 watts of light bulbs.... mind you it's coming from the sky, but it's still amps and volts and it's still less than what these machines generate by 2 orders of magnitude.
You're right, I forgot to average the voltage. However you forgot that an uncharged capacitor present iteslf to the circuit like a open short.
You have to charge the capacitor to the breakdown voltage in the air like in a marx generator ( which is not 10 kv/cm, it's 30 kv/cm
So you canot escape that he his charging a >0.5 nF capacitor setup to 450 KV, which takes 100 watts of energy to do.
Plus the capacitors fully discharge because if you use a bonetti style instead of having metal sectors, the capactors overshoot when discharging and flip the polarity of the entire machine and makes AC instead of DC.
The following example is less voltage AND less current AND it's running back through a corona motor into a dc motor and it's still powering 18 watts of light bulbs....
You're right, I forgot to average the voltage. However you forgot that an uncharged capacitor present iteslf to the circuit like a open short.
You have to charge the capacitor to the breakdown voltage in the air which is not 10 kv/cm, it's 30 kv/cm
So you canot escape that he his charging a >0.5 nF capacitor setup to 450 KV, which takes 100 watts of energy to do.
Plus the capacitors fully discharge because if you use a bonetti style instead of having metal sectors, the capactors overshoot when discharging and flip the polarity of the entire machine and makes AC instead of DC.
The following example is less voltage AND less current AND it's running back through a corona motor into a dc motor and it's still powering 18 watts of light bulbs....