I had the exact same thought! But after reading above comments before reading the post, it’s better understood that the product was “mislabeled”…. and it was not reported accurately. Wow, would never have thought that :-/ (/s)
Spez: I did kinda pee when I laughed…
I had the exact same thought! But after reading above comments before reading the article, it’s better understood that the product was “mislabeled”…. and it was not reported accurately. Wow, would never have thought that :-/ (/s)
Spez: I did kinda pee when I laughed…
I had the exact same thought! But after reading above comments before reading the article, it’s better understood that the product was “mislabeled”…. and it was not reported accurately. Wow, would never have thought that :-/ (/s)
I had the exact same thought! But after reading above comments before reading the article, it’s better understood that the product was “mislabeled”…. and it was not reported accurately. Wow, would never have thought that :-/ (/s)