"The Father also designed that when the time came to open the seven-sealed book, there would be a careful process connected to exposing the contents. The process is the progressive and ultimately full disclosure of all that Christ is! Christ Jesus possesses every power that the Father has, for the deity in Jesus is the almighty Father! However, the full glory and authority of Christ has been hidden beneath the veil of our flesh, for we are the body of Christ and the temple of God. The restoration of all men and all things to God requires the full disclosure of Jesus Christ in and through His body on earth. That is the message of the book of Revelation! So, the opening of each seal is connected to the removal of some aspect of our outer life of flesh and a brighter and clearer revelation of all that Christ in us is! As each seal opens less of us is seen, and more of Christ! This is the revelation of Jesus Christ! Can you not see the mystery?"
2 Corinthians 3:3 Forasmuch as ye are manifestly declared to be the epistle of Christ ministered by us, written not with ink, but with the Spirit of the living God; not in tables of stone, but in fleshy tables of the heart.
"The Father also designed that when the time came to open the seven-sealed book, there would be a careful process connected to exposing the contents. The process is the progressive and ultimately full disclosure of all that Christ is! Christ Jesus possesses every power that the Father has, for the deity in Jesus is the almighty Father! However, the full glory and authority of Christ has been hidden beneath the veil of our flesh, for we are the body of Christ and the temple of God. The restoration of all men and all things to God requires the full disclosure of Jesus Christ in and through His body on earth. That is the message of the book of Revelation! So, the opening of each seal is connected to the removal of some aspect of our outer life of flesh and a brighter and clearer revelation of all that Christ in us is! As each seal opens less of us is seen, and more of Christ! This is the revelation of Jesus Christ! Can you not see the mystery?"