Agreed with all of that. It appears that publicly the power center was intentionally shifted to the US during WW2, and it may be because they could not squeeze any more life out of the British Pound as it was largely fiat at that point and had been for a while.
Note that the semi-secret installation of a corporate/Nazi government in the US on March 6, 1933 (National Emergency) and the collateralization of all sovereign state assets on March 9, 1933 (Banking Act) was apparently the cabal "backup" to making sure they had a new player to transition to from Great Britain if their plans with Hitler for a "European Union" version 1 did not work out. They made sure to have all corporate state overlays and elimination of Constitutional/Common Law in all states done by January 1, 1939 well ahead of the September 1, 1939 planned kickoff of the war.
Agreed with all of that. It appears that publicly the power center was intentionally shifted to the US during WW2, and it may be because they could not squeeze any more life out of the British Pound as it was largely fiat at that point and had been for a while.
Note that the semi-secret installation of a corporate/Nazi government in the US on March 6, 1933 (National Emergency) and the collateralization of all sovereign state assets on March 9, 1933 (Banking Act) was apparently the cabal "backup" to making sure they had a new player to transition to from Great Britain if their plans with Hitler for a "European Union" version 1 did not work out. They made sure to have all corporate state overlays and elimination of Constitutional/Common Law in all states by January 1, 1939 well ahead of the September 1, 1939 planned kickoff of the war.