It really started under Carter. Then, when Clinton came into office, it was like someone threw a switch. My young officers, right out of college, really started pushing against both social and military tradition. Once the snowball started, it just grew as we went downhill. Us old guys pulled it together for DS/DS but then the momentum kept going. As a contractor after I retired, I watched it get worse - neither Bush helped stem the tide and the Obamanauts destroyed what was left. Thus, I changed as my son was coming up from telling him that he was expected to serve. to suggesting that he view such service with skepticism. I'm very sad at both the Army and, consequently necessary, personal evolution.
It really started under Carter. Then, when Clinton came into office, it was like someone threw a switch. My young officers, fight out of college, really started pushing against both social and military tradition. Once the snowball started, it just grew as we went downhill. Us old guys pulled it together for DS/DS but then the momentum kept going. As a contractor after I retired, I watched it get worse - neither Bush helped stem the tide and the Obamanauts destroyed what was left. Thus, I changed as my son was coming up from telling him that he was expected to serve. to suggesting that he view such service with skepticism. I'm very sad at both the Army and, consequently necessary, personal evolution.