These laws, rules, regulations, diktats and the associated prattlings of this myriad of fuckwits will mean absolutely nothing when the smoothe-brain normies are brought to boil and the fan meets the e coli.
These laws are castles in the sand, they are a beautifully set, silver-service buffet on the outside of the space shuttle during re-entry.
They are a decorative merkin worn naked, 500 yards from ground zero when they let the tsar bomba off.
Bring it I say.
Let these fucking idiots pass the law that all heterosexual males will, by state decree, need to be gently sodomized by an elk penis as a corrective measure for their toxic masculinity. Let them put the tax rate up to 100%. Let them decree that all newlywed wives shall be provided to the state for breaking in under penalty of death.
Let them print so much crap, fiat-currency that the circumference of the Earth is increased by 10%. Let them decree that home-ownership is racist and the situation is to be remedied by turning your house into an MS-13 drug staging warehouse.
Let them tax our oxygen. Let them impose a horizontal-rhumba tax on gigi-gig and demand a camera in every room in our houses to enforce it.
It's all shit and strawberry short-cake.
It's like EVERYTHING now; fake, meaningless, stupefyingly boring even.
I'm with Brian Cates in that I simply long for a day without constant 5GW war being waged on the oblivious normies.....and a rainforest property away from humanity.
The Homo Sapien hominid is so out of it's depth. Consciousness is wasted on it.
Edit:- My digital passport would sport a picture of my ass, taken from a low angle, so as to include my bean-bag in the shot.
These laws, rules, regulations, diktats and the associated prattlings of this myriad of fuckwits will mean absolutely nothing when the smoothe-brains normies are brought to boil and the fan meets the e coli.
These laws are castles in the sand, they are a beautifully set, silver-service buffet on the outside of the space shuttle during re-entry.
They are a decorative merkin worn naked, 500 yards from ground zero when they let the tsar bomba off.
Bring it I say.
Let these fucking idiots pass the law that all heterosexual males will, by state decree, need to be gently sodomized by an elk penis as a corrective measure for their toxic masculinity. Let them put the tax rate up to 100%. Let them decree that all newlywed wives shall be provided to the state for breaking in under penalty of death.
Let them print so much crap, fiat-currency that the circumference of the Earth is increased by 10%. Let them decree that home-ownership is racist and the situation is to be remedied by turning your house into an MS-13 drug staging warehouse.
Let them tax our oxygen. Let them impose a horizontal-rhumba tax on gigi-gig and demand a camera in every room in our houses to enforce it.
It's all shit and strawberry short-cake.
It's like EVERYTHING now; fake, meaningless, stupefyingly boring even.
I'm with Brian Cates in that I simply long for a day without constant 5GW war being waged on the oblivious normies.....and a rainforest property away from humanity.
The Homo Sapien hominid is so out of it's depth. Consciousness is wasted on it.
Edit:- My digital passport would sport a picture of my ass, taken from a low angle, so as to include my bean-bag in the shot.
These laws, rules, regulations, diktats and the associated prattlings of this myriad of fuckwits will mean absolutely nothing when the smoothe-brains normies are brought to boil and the fan meets the e coli.
These laws are castles in the sand, they are a beautifully set, silver-service buffet on the outside of the space shuttle during re-entry.
They are a decorative merkin worn naked, 500 yards from ground zero when they let the tsar bomba off.
Bring it I say.
Let these fucking idiots pass the law that all heterosexual males will, by state decree, need to be gently sodomized by an elk penis as a corrective measure for their toxic masculinity. Let them put the tax rate up to 100%. Let them decree that all newlywed wives shall be provided to the state for breaking in under penalty of death.
Let them print so much crap, fiat-currency that the circumference of the Earth is increased by 10%. Let them decree that home-ownership is racist and the situation is to be remedied by turning your house into an MS-13 drug staging warehouse.
Let them tax our oxygen. Let them impose a horizontal-rhumba tax on gigi-gig and demand a camera in every room in our houses to enforce it.
It's all shit and strawberry short-cake.
It's like EVERYTHING now; fake, meaningless, stupefyingly boring even.
I'm with Brian Cates in that I simply long for a day without constant 5GW war being waged on the oblivious normies.....and a rainforest property away from humanity.
The Homo Sapien hominid is so out of it's depth. Consciousness is wasted on it.
These laws, rules, regulations, diktats and the associated prattlings of this myriad of fuckwits will mean absolutely nothing when the smoothe-brains normies are brought to boil and the fan meets the e coli.
These laws are castles in the sand, they are a beautifully set, silver-service buffet on the outside of the space shuttle during re-entry.
They are a decorative merkin worn naked, 500 yards from ground zero when they let the tsar bomba off.
Bring it I say.
Let these fucking idiots pass the law that all heterosexual males will, by state decree, need to be gently sodomized by an elk penis as a corrective measure for their toxic masculinity. Let them put the tax rate up to 100%. Let them decree that all newlywed wives shall be provided to the state for breaking in under penalty of death.
Let them print so much crap fiat-currency that the Earth's circumference is increased by 10%. Let them decree that home-ownership is racist and the situation is to be remedied by turning your house into an MS-13 drug staging warehouse.
Let them tax our oxygen. Let them impose a horizontal-rhumba tax on gigi-gig and demand a camera in every room in our houses to enforce it.
It's all shit and strawberry short-cake.
It's like EVERYTHING now; fake, meaningless, stupefyingly boring even.
I'm with Brian Cates in that I simply long for a day without constant 5GW war being waged on the oblivious normies.....and a rainforest property away from humanity.
The Homo Sapien hominid is so out of it's depth. Consciousness is wasted on it.
These laws, rules, regulations, diktats and the associated prattlings of this myriad of fuckwits will mean absolutely nothing when the smoothe-brains normies are brought to boil and the fan meets the e coli.
These laws are castles in the sand, they are a beautifully set, silver-service buffet on the outside of the space shuttle during re-entry.
They are a decorative merkin worn naked, 500 yards from ground zero when they let the tsar bomba off.
Bring it I say.
Let these fucking idiots pass the law that all heterosexual males will, by state decree, need to be gently sodomized by an elk penis as a corrective measure for their toxic masculinity. Let them put the tax rate up to 100%. Let them decree that all newlywed wives shall be provided to the state for breaking in under penalty of death.
Let them print so much crap fiat-currency that the Earth's circumference is increased by 10%. Let them decree that home-ownership is racist and the situation is to be remedied by turning your house into an MS-13 drug staging warehouse.
Let them tax our oxygen. Let them impose a horizontal-rhumba tax on gigi-gig and demand a camera in every room in our houses to enforce it.
It's all shit and strawberry short-cake.
It's like EVERYTHING now; fake, meaningless, stupefyingly boring even.
I'm with Brian Cates in that I simply long for a day without constant 5GW war being waged on the oblivious normies.....and a rainforest property away from humanity.
The Homo Sapien hominid is so out of it's depth. Consciousness is wasted on them.
These laws, rules, regulations, diktats and the associated prattlings of this myriad of fuckwits will mean absolutely nothing when the smoothe-brains normies are brought to boil and the fan meets the e coli.
These laws are castles in the sand, they are a beautifully set, silver-service buffet on the outside of the space shuttle during re-entry.
They are a decorative merkin worn naked 500 yards from ground zero when they let the tsar bomba off.
Bring it I say.
Let these fucking idiots pass the law that all heterosexual males will, by state decree, need to be gently sodomized by an elk penis as a corrective measure for their toxic masculinity. Let them put the tax rate up to 100%. Let them decree that all newlywed wives shall be provided to the state for breaking in under penalty of death.
Let them print so much crap fiat currency that the Earth's circumference is increased by 10%. Let them decree that home-ownership is racist and the situation is to be remedied by turning your house into an MS-13 drug staging warehouse.
Let them tax our oxygen. Let them impose a horizontal-rhumba tax on gigi-gig and demand camera in every room in our houses to enforce it.
It's all shit and strawberry short-cake.
It's like EVERYTHING now; fake, meaningless, stupefyingly boring even.
I'm with Brian Cates in that I simply long for a day without constant 5GW war being waged on the oblivious normies.