Ludwig von Moses is the father of alternative Economic Theory opposing the accepted & Widely taught Keynesian Economic model.
Mises postulates that the root of economic instability lies outside the free market & manipulation of it is at the cause of all economic downfalls. Whereas, the Keynes model aims to plug holes with the FED expanding/contracting money supply & other economic practices from the thought that any change in expenditure will result in changes in output (duh). Keynes theory is followed by ALL the KNOWN DS Economists, ie Paul 'None of My Theories Come True' Krugman.
I suspect that the Misesman is a bot or fake Mises follower meant to confuse or derail classic conservatives.
Ludwig von Moses is the father of alternative Economic Theory opposing the accepted & Widely taught Keynesian Economic model.
Mises postulates that the root of economic instability is at the cause of all economic downfalls & should be fixed at the root. Whereas, the Keynes model aims to plug holes with the FED expanding/contracting money supply & other economic practices.
I suspect that the Misesman is a bot or fake Mises follower meant to confuse or derail classic conservatives.