Excuse me, was I criticizing the Son of God here? Are you claiming to be the Son of God, making a New Covenant with us? The Scriptures I quoted were from Paul, who was after Jesus, who had revelations from Jesus. Do you realize Jesus quoted Scripture too? Does that mean Jesus is no better than Pharisees? Good luck trying to condemn people for quoting Scripture by calling them Pharisees for it. It must be a convenient way to refuse to be held accountable to the Word. Be more like Jesus. Or at least Paul.
Excuse me, was I criticizing the Son of God here? Are you claiming to be the Son of God? The Scriptures I quoted were from Paul, who was after Jesus, who had revelations from Jesus. Do you realize Jesus quoted Scripture too? Does that mean Jesus is no better than Pharisees? Good luck trying to condemn people for quoting Scripture by calling them Pharisees for it. It must be a convenient way to refuse to be held accountable to the Word. Be more like Jesus. Or at least Paul.
Excuse me, was I criticizing the Son of God here? Are you claiming to be the Son of God? The Scriptures I quoted were from Paul, who was after Jesus, who had revelations from Jesus. Do you realize Jesu quoted Scripture too? Does that mean Jesus is no better than Pharisees? Good luck trying to condemn people for quoting Scripture by calling them Pharisees for it. It must be a convenient way to refuse to be held accountable to the Word. Be more like Jesus. Or at least Paul.
Excuse me, was I criticizing the Son of God here? Are you claiming to be the Son of God? The Scriptures I quoted were from Paul, who was after Jesus, who had revelations from Jesus. Good luck trying to condemn people for quoting Scripture by calling them Pharisees for it. It must be a convenient way to refuse to be held accountable to the Word. Be more like Jesus. Or at least Paul.
Excuse me, was I criticizing the Son of God here? Are you claiming to be the Son of God? The Scriptures I quoted were from Paul, who was after Jesus, who had revelations from Jesus. Good luck trying to condemn people for quoting Scripture by calling them Pharisees for it. Be more like Jesus. Or at least Paul.
Excuse me, was I criticizing the Son of God here? Are you claiming to be the Son of God? The Scriptures I quoted were from Paul, who was after Jesus, who had revelations from Jesus. Good luck trying to condemn people for quoting Scripture by calling them Pharisees for it. Be more like Jesus.