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Interesting. When I was in high school I started to go down the 9/11 rabbit hole. At age 16 I was already anti-government in the sense I didn’t trust anything they said anymore. After I graduated in 11, I still had the desire to serve my country and community. I didn’t go military but I did serve as a law enforcement officer for 5 years. Trump was the first president I voted for and so far the only president I have voted for. I remember before Trump I had several arguments with coworkers about the bush family being fake conservatives and that they worked for the cabal (called the cabal the Illuminati at the time). Their response was always so you support Obama? To which I would respond Obama, Bush, and Clinton are symptoms of the same illness. They would shake their heads and call me anti-American. I’m sure by now some of these folks have had time to reflect and change their minds. Trump was attacked by the left and the conservatives who I knew worked for or acted as puppets of what I called the Illuminati at the time. This was before Q drops. Seeing Trump attacked by people I knew to be scum, and watching them flip on him is what made me think he was the right choice. The only other candidate I would have voted for was Ron Paul during the Paul Revolution in 2008 but I was not old enough to vote yet.

2 years ago
2 score
Reason: Original

Interesting. When I was in high school I started to go down the 9/11 rabbit hole. At age 16 I was already anti government in the sense I didn’t trust anything they said anymore. After I graduated in 11, I still had a desire to serve country and community. I didn’t go military but I did serve as a law enforcement officer for 5 years. Trump was the first president I voted for and so far the only president I have voted for. I remember before Trump I had several arguments with coworkers about the bush family being fake conservatives and that they worked for the cabal (called the cabal the Illuminati at the time). Their response was always so you support obama? To which I would respond Obama, Bush and Clinton are symptoms of the same illness. They would shake their heads and call me anti American. I’m sure by now some of these folks have had time to reflect and change their minds. Trump was attacked by the left and the conservatives who I knew worked for or acted as puppets of what I called the Illuminati at the time. This was before Q drops. Seeing Trump attacked by people I knew to be scum, and watching them flip on him is what made me think he was the right choice. The only other candidate I would have voted for was Ron Paul during the Paul Revolution in 2008 but I was not old enough to vote yet.

2 years ago
1 score