Husband and I were Air Force. I was in from 85-90 and I was a Gulf War bride. We were in during the Reagan golden years. As an engineering student I was recruited for the USAF for the new weapon systems they were building. I loved the Air Force and had the best time. Husband remained in for a while but being a rescue helicopter pilot supporting the No-fly zones meant lots of deployments and time away from young daughters. He finally had enough. The Clinton years were rough for many. My biggest takeaway from the Air Force was that socialized medicine sucked.
We were proud of our service and happy to be federal contractors still supporting the warfighters afterwards. As Republicans we knew something was wrong with the entire system, but not what. We fully expected the system to crash in 2008, but it didn’t. We were busy raising our daughters but my husband was getting increasingly depressed about our country’s state. Then came Donald Trump. We went to the inauguration and it was glorious. Being with so many patriots and hearing that speech. We then watched him fight back against the media and the Dems and some RINOs for his entire term. I was on Sundance’s site learning all about the Plot Against the President hoping that something would happen and I remember the day that Sundance told us to forget about it and just go live our lives. That was such a dark day for me. Nothing was going to happen.
3 days after the 2020 election I stumbled onto an article by an ex USAF Intel officer about Q as I was looking for everything and anything about the weird ballots that seemingly had hidden watermarks. He had the Q proofs video linked. I watched, I made my husband and girls watch. We all had hope. Then nothing happened. Q went silent. Except I could see the increased military tempo after the election. Stuff was happening but it was hidden.
I’ve been researching like crazy now for almost 3 1/2 years. I’ve red-pilled some people with what I’ve learned. I give a lot of people who are despondent about the state of the country/world some hope when I point out all of the clues that I see that let me know something is happening.
I knew the CIA/Mafia killed JFK, we saw the stories change real-time with TWA 800 as witnesses changed their stories or went silent. OKC bombing story was off, Waco, Ruby Ridge. I knew there were some bad hombres in parts of our government but didn’t know it was so systemic and why until I started down the rabbit holes in late 2020.
Husband and I were Air Force. I was in from 85-90 and I was a Gulf War bride. We were in during the Reagan golden years. As an engineering student I was recruited for the USAF for the new weapon systems they were building. I loved the Air Force and had the best time. Husband remained in for a while but being a rescue helicopter pilot supporting the No-fly zones meant lots of deployments and time away from young daughters. He finally had enough. The Clinton years were rough for many. My biggest takeaway from the Air Force was that socialized medicine sucked.
We were proud of our service and happy to be federal contractors still supporting the warfighters afterwards. As Republicans we knew something was wrong with the entire system, but not what. We fully expected the system to crash in 2008, but it didn’t. We were busy raising our daughters but my husband was getting increasingly depressed about our country’s state. Then came Donald Trump. We went to the inauguration and it was glorious. Being with so many patriots and hearing that speech. We then watched him fight back against the media and the Dems and some RINOs for his entire term. I was on Sundance’s site learning all about the Plot Against the President hoping that something would happen and I remember the day that Sundance told us to forget about it and just go live our lives. That was such a dark day for me. Nothing was going to happen.
3 days after the 2020 election I stumbled onto an article by an ex USAF Intel officer about Q as I was looking for everything and anything about the weird ballots that seemingly had hidden watermarks. He had the Q proofs video linked. I watched, I made my husband and girls watch. We all had hope. Then nothing happened. Q went silent. Except I could see the increased military tempo after the election. Stuff was happening but it was hidden.
I’ve been researching like crazy now for almost 3 1/2 years. I’ve red-pilled some people with what I’ve learned. I give a lot of people who are despondent about the state of the country/world some hope when I point out all of the clues that I see that let me know something is happening.
I knew the CIA/Mafia killed JFK, we saw the stories change real-time with TWA 800 as witnesses changed the my stories or went silent. OKC bombing story was off, Waco, Ruby Ridge. I knew there were some bad hombres in parts of our government but didn’t know it was so systemic and why until I started down the rabbit holes in late 2020.