There is absolutely no need to use a pediatrician except for pediatric surgery. Family doctors are the way to go. Find one who will not push 78 shots on your child between now and the age of 18.
Depending on your state, you can get a religious exemption when the child enters daycare or school.
My child is in jiu jitsu. I can tell right away which kids have focus, and which are messed up. I often ask the parent of the focused child, "Did you vaccinate your child?" So far, they always said, "No way." We are living in a world where the majority of kids have focus issues, food allergies, or auto-immune diseases. Vaccines are the cause. After all, aluminum and themerisol are neurotoxins. These are in vaccines, along with small amounts of detergents and DNA from aborted babies.
Now we have to also worry about mRNA being merged with childhood vaccines. It is being discussed, and they already approved the merging of yearly flu ahots with mRNA tech.
There is absolutely no need to use a pediatrician except for pediatric surgery. Family doctors are the way to go. Find one who will not push 78 shots on your child between now and the age of 18.
Depending on your state, you can get a religious exemption when the child enters daycare or school.
My child is in jiu jitsu. I can tell right away which kids have focus, and which are messed up. I often ask the parent of the focused child, "Did you vaccinate your child?" So far, they always said, "No way." We are living in a world where the majority of kids have focus issues, food allergies, or auto-immune diseases. Vaccines are the cause. After all, aluminum and themerisol are neurotoxins. Thise are in vaccines, along with small amounts of detergents and DNA from aborted babies.
Now we have to also worry about mRNA being merged with childhood vaccines. It is being discussed, and they already approved the merging of yearly flu ahots with nRMA tech.
There is absolutely no need to use a pediatrician except for pediatric surgery. Family doctors are the way to go. Find one who will not push 78 shots on your child between now and the age of 18.
Depending on your state, you can get a religious exemption when the child enters daycare or school.