We have no business prosecuting in Ukraine. This is a diversionary tactic for hiding what our own government has been doing and an attempt to conceal the money laundering, Nazi collusion, and bioweapons labs perpetrated by the U.S. in Ukraine. Now Nuland and others are trying to move their base of operations from Ukraine to Nigeria. Prosecute all of these Nazis in our government. The Deep state in the U.S. is responsible for the mess in the Ukraine. They, not the U.S. people, have blood on their hands. Everything the Deep State touches is on behalf of power and money. The scumbags in government need to be hung publicly. So Mr. Rosenbaum, if you want to start prosecuting start with the criminals at home who are interfering in Ukraine: those buying science with taxpayer dollars to Zelensky, those responsible for U.S. bioweapons labs in Ukraine, those involved in the child/human trafficking in Ukraine, those from the U.S. who set up a U.S.controlled puppet government in Ukraine and those lying to the U.S. citizens that Ukraine is winning the war when the exact opposite is true.
We have no business prosecuting in Ukraine. This is a diversionary tactic for hiding what our own government has been doing and an attempt to conceal the money laundering, Nazi collusion, and bioweapons labs perpetrated by the U.S. in Ukraine. Now Nuland and others are trying to move their base of operations from Ukraine to Nigeria. Prosecute all of these Nazis in our government. The Deep state in the U.S. is responsible for the mess in the Ukraine. They, not the U.S. people, have blood on their hands. Everything the Deep State touches is on behalf of power and money. The scumbags in government need to be hung publicly.