you are unable to recognize higher intellect than you have..and more experience..you are clearly quite an idiot..and now doubt you're any kind of professional..ha!..or even know what a profession is...dont look at how large my sausage is..youd be embarrassed even though youre a meat eater....did you even pass any statistics..look at the data
you are unable to recognize higher intellect than you have..and more experience..you are clearly quite an idiot..and now doubt you're any kind of professional..ha!..or even know what a profession is...dont look at how large my sausage is..youd be embarrassed....did you even pass any statistics..look at the data
you are unable to recognize higher intellect than you have..and more experience..you are clearly quite an idiot..and now doubt you're any kind of professional or even know what a profession is...dont look at how large my sausage is..youd be embarrassed..look at the data