Like Hannity, Beck is a fence straddler and a gatekeeper. I like to pay attention to people like them because they sit at the crossroads of the propaganda. Beck is now willing to admit that the government was negligent on January 6th in preventing it. We all know this is horseshit. They weren't negligent, they were involved!!
Beck is also a 911 gatekeeper who ridicules and mocks 9/11 Truthers.
Like Hannity, Beck is a fence straddler and a gatekeeper. I like to pay attention to people like them because they sit at the crossroads of the propaganda. Back is now willing to admit that the government was negligent on January 6th in preventing it. We all know this is horseshit.
Beck is also a 911 gateKeeper who ridicules and mocks 9/11 truthers, when it's obvious to anyone who's done research that 9/11 was an inside job and a false flag.