Tucker Carson apology inbound in 3... 2... 1....
I don't know why anybody is getting excited about stuff we already know, making Fox news. This was highly predictable. Tucker Carlson is a black hat. He's a lifelong CIA Mockingbird and he's very good at it.
The Deep State's greatest asset is its propaganda media. There is no way in hell its propaganda media is going to be used to destroy itself.
Tucker Carson apology inbound in 3... 2... 1....
I don't know why anybody is getting excited about stuff we already know, making Fox news. This was highly predictable. Tucker Carlson is a black hat. He's a lifelong CIA Mockingbird and he's very good at it.
The Deep State's greatest asset is its propaganda media. There is no way in hell it's propaganda media is going to be used to destroy itself.
Tucker Carson apology inbound in 3... 2... 1....
I don't know why anybody is getting excited about stuff we already know, making Fox news. This was highly predictable. Tucker Carlson is a black hat. He's a lifelong CIA Mockingbird and he's very good at it.