Could be. My husband I are on ssdi and ride the cusp of your $50k. He spent 8:days in regular COVID care and I spent 17:days in ICU. He developed cancer immediately after and as we interacted with the providers of his care, people recognized me. They each told me they didn't expect me to make it. Our treatment was controlled by the same Dr. I was left in the ER for 33 hours. He was moved immediately to a room. My guess is that it isn't the care being different when we were at the hospital but where we were health wise going in. Does the patient smoke or drink? Do they eat right? Do they sit in front of the TV every night or are they moving their body. Poor people fight their entire lives just to survive. After awhile it effects our health. I'd really hate to think anyone could be targeting those with less. Although I wouldn't put it past our government these days
Could be. My husband I are on ssdi and ride the cup of your $50k. He spent 8:days in regular COVID care and I spent 17:days in ICU. He developed cancer immediately after and as we interacted with the providers of his care, people recognized me. They each told me they didn't expect me to make it. Our treatment was controlled by the same Dr. I was left in the ER for 33 hours. He was moved immediately to a room. My guess is that it isn't the care being different when we were at the hospital but where we were health wise going in. Does the patient smoke or drink? Do they eat right? Do they sit in front of the TV every night or are they moving their body. Poor people fight their entire lives just to survive. After awhile it effects our health. I'd really hate to think anyone could be targeting those with less. Although I wouldn't put it past our government these days