Please explain how anyone protected anything in the US, besides bankster/cartel/deep state interests by invading Iraq in 2003, and subsequently killing lots and lots of people.
Repeat with Libya in 2009, and Syria in 2013 (ongoing). And for that matter Serbia in 1999, which was in fact a Christian country (unlike the other 3 above).
Vietnam & Korea get a pass due to the draft. The rest don't. The great awakening is about the truth IN ALL THINGS, including sacred cows such as the mil.
Please explain how anyone protected anything in the US, besides bankster/cartel/deep state interests by invading Iraq in 2003, and subsequently killing lots and lots of people.
Repeat with Libya in 2009, and Syria in 2013 (ongoing).
Vietnam & Korea get a pass due to the draft. Iraq 1 & 2 don't. The great awakening is about the truth IN ALL THINGS, including sacred cows such as the mil.