Part 2 of 2
I think that many of those questions are answered when one's heart is finally opened to God, our Creator
In this I suggest we are in complete agreement. I suggest however, you can’t find that until you see who really created the Bible (both OT and NT), and for what purpose. Only by letting that go can you come to understand God (AKA Source), and what Jesus was really trying to tell us. In order to do that, I suggest you really need to read all the gospels left out of the official book. It is also essential to stop trying to fit it into the OT, or the non-gospel books of the NT. Also try to not force “every word as truth” as the Bible self-defines itself, but rather, read it as an important archaeological document (recognize the books were written by people, which isn’t in any way controversial). Let go of the self-references and arguments created with circular logic that prevent you from looking at the mountains of other evidence in earnest. Read the actual quotes of Jesus instead of assuming all the surrounding rhetoric of the author is some sort of absolute truth.
When you do that, what you get are different perspectives of the same events (and completely different events that aren’t in the Official Book). Glean from these different perspectives (historical documents) what Jesus was really trying to convey. I suggest this approach will give you a much greater understanding of the enlightenment of Jesus and his attempt to share it with us before it was twisted to serve the Priest Class. I am just shy of convinced that the people who created the Roman Christian Church was the same Priest Class as the original Jewish one, controlled by the Jewish control of the Roman economy. I still have to nail that chain down, and the Jewish monetary privileges aren’t laid out in that document (that’s a deeper dive into the Roman laws themselves), but it does show how far back their control as bankers/moneylenders/money changers went. Here’s a start on the Roman law deep dive. From wikipedia:
The'history of the Jews in the Roman Empire traces the interaction of Jews and Romans during the period of'Roman Empire ( 27 BC. J.C. - 476 ). Their cultures began to overlap in the centuries before'Christian era. Jews migrated to Rome and Roman Europe since Land of Israel, the'Asia Minor, Babylon and Alexandria in response to economic difficulties and the incessant war on the land of Israel between empires ptolemaic and seleucid. In Rome, the Jewish communities enjoyed privileges and flourished economically, becoming a significant part of the population of the Empire ( perhaps up to ten percent )
This control of money came originally from a Jewish law stated many times in the bible, but clearly stated in Deut. 23:20
Unto a stranger thou mayest lend upon usury; but unto thy brother thou shalt not lend upon usury: that the LORD thy God may bless thee in all that thou settest thine hand to in the land whither thou goest to possess it.
You can fuck over anyone you want by lending at any interest rate you want, as long as you aren't trying to fuck over other Jews. By doing so, you will possess any land you go into. Which is exactly what they did. These laws were transferred to every state they lived in, including Roman Law. The respect the Romans gave to the Jews and their religion allowed them to become the money lenders, land owners, money changers, and economy controllers behind the scenes in Rome, just as they are today. Of course it wasn’t ALL the Jews, but only those at the very top, which also happened to be the Priest Class or their associates/descendants. No small number of the rest of the Jews became the early “Christians,” though they had quite different beliefs than The Church demanded they adopt later (no Trinity e.g.). I suggest that was intentional, creating two separate classes of people; the Jewish Elite (followers of the Talmud) and something of a “lost people” (AKA those Jews who refused Talmudic teachings, but adopted Jesus' teachings of God as Source, of which we are all a part, i.e. not separate and ruled by, but part of in the most fundamental and intimate way).
It was a religious demand that Jews (followers of the Talmud) could only loan money to non-Jews at interest, so that’s exactly what they did, to everyone, including the Romans. It just so happens that the Christian Church made it illegal to charge interest on loans for those Jews that forsook the Talmud and followed Jesus, but allowed the "proper" Jews to do so as a respect of their religion. Weird and whacky coincidence that. All of this fuckery was created by a group of Jewish Priests 3200 or so years ago, when they wrote that law, and then insisted that all countries in which they lived respect their religious laws, by which they ruled the economic world. Nothing has changed in the interim except the form of The Grand Illusion.
Part 2 of 2
I think that many of those questions are answered when one's heart is finally opened to God, our Creator
In this I suggest we are in complete agreement. I suggest however, you can’t find that until you see who really created the Bible (both OT and NT), and for what purpose. Only by letting that go can you come to understand God (AKA Source), and what Jesus was really trying to tell us. In order to do that, I suggest you really need to read all the gospels left out of the official book. It is also essential to stop trying to fit it into the OT, or the non-gospel books of the NT. Also try to not force “every word as truth” as the Bible self-defines itself, but rather, read it as an important archaeological document (recognize the books were written by people, which isn’t in any way controversial). Let go of the self-references and arguments created with circular logic that prevent you from looking at the mountains of other evidence in earnest. Read the actual quotes of Jesus instead of assuming all the surrounding rhetoric of the author is some sort of absolute truth.
When you do that, what you get are different perspectives of the same events (and completely different events that aren’t in the Official Book). Glean from these different perspectives (historical documents) what Jesus was really trying to convey. I suggest this approach will give you a much greater understanding of the enlightenment of Jesus and his attempt to share it with us before it was twisted to serve the Priest Class. I am just shy of convinced that the people who created the Roman Christian Church was the same Priest Class as the original Jewish one, controlled by the Jewish control of the Roman economy. I still have to nail that chain down, and the Jewish monetary privileges aren’t laid out in that document (that’s a deeper dive into the Roman laws themselves), but it does show how far back their control as bankers/moneylenders/money changers went. Here’s a start on the Roman law deep dive. From wikipedia:
The'history of the Jews in the Roman Empire traces the interaction of Jews and Romans during the period of'Roman Empire ( 27 BC. J.C. - 476 ). Their cultures began to overlap in the centuries before'Christian era. Jews migrated to Rome and Roman Europe since Land of Israel, the'Asia Minor, Babylon and Alexandria in response to economic difficulties and the incessant war on the land of Israel between empires ptolemaic and seleucid. In Rome, the Jewish communities enjoyed privileges and flourished economically, becoming a significant part of the population of the Empire ( perhaps up to ten percent )
This control of money came originally from a Jewish law stated many times in the bible, but clearly stated in Deut. 23:20
Unto a stranger thou mayest lend upon usury; but unto thy brother thou shalt not lend upon usury: that the LORD thy God may bless thee in all that thou settest thine hand to in the land whither thou goest to possess it.
You can fuck over anyone you want by lending at any interest rate you want, as long as you aren't trying to fuck over other Jews. By doing so, you will possess any land you go into. Which is exactly what they did. These laws were transferred to every state they lived in, including Roman Law. The respect the Romans gave to the Jews and their religion allowed them to become the money lenders, land owners, money changers, and economy controllers behind the scenes in Rome, just as they are today. Of course it wasn’t ALL the Jews, but only those at the very top, which also happened to be the Priest Class or their associates/descendants. No small number of the rest of the Jews became the early “Christians,” though they had quite different beliefs than The Church demanded they adopt later (no Trinity e.g.). I suggest that was intentional, creating two separate classes of people; the Jewish Elite (followers of the Talmud) and something of a “lost people” (AKA those Jews who refused Talmudic teachings, but adopted Jesus' teachings of God as Source, of which we are all a part).
It was a religious demand that Jews (followers of the Talmud) could only loan money to non-Jews at interest, so that’s exactly what they did, to everyone, including the Romans. It just so happens that the Christian Church made it illegal to charge interest on loans for those Jews that forsook the Talmud and followed Jesus, but allowed the "proper" Jews to do so as a respect of their religion. Weird and whacky coincidence that. All of this fuckery was created by a group of Jewish Priests 3200 or so years ago, when they wrote that law, and then insisted that all countries in which they lived respect their religious laws, by which they ruled the economic world. Nothing has changed in the interim except the form of The Grand Illusion.
Part 2 of 2
I think that many of those questions are answered when one's heart is finally opened to God, our Creator
In this I suggest we are in complete agreement. I suggest however, you can’t find that until you see who really created the Bible (both OT and NT), and for what purpose. Only by letting that go can you come to understand God (AKA Source), and what Jesus was really trying to tell us. In order to do that, I suggest you really need to read all the gospels left out of the official book. It is also essential to stop trying to fit it into the OT, or the non-gospel books of the NT. Also try to not force “every word as truth” as the Bible self-defines itself, but rather, read it as an important archaeological document (recognize the books were written by people, which isn’t in any way controversial). Let go of the self-references and arguments created with circular logic that prevent you from looking at the mountains of other evidence in earnest. Read the actual quotes of Jesus instead of assuming all the surrounding rhetoric of the author is some sort of absolute truth.
When you do that, what you get are different perspectives of the same events (and completely different events that aren’t in the Official Book). Glean from these different perspectives (historical documents) what Jesus was really trying to convey. I suggest this approach will give you a much greater understanding of the enlightenment of Jesus and his attempt to share it with us before it was twisted to serve the Priest Class. I am just shy of convinced that the people who created the Roman Christian Church was the same Priest Class as the original Jewish one, controlled by the Jewish control of the Roman economy. I still have to nail that chain down, and the Jewish monetary privileges aren’t laid out in that document (that’s a deeper dive into the Roman laws themselves), but it does show how far back their control as bankers/moneylenders/money changers went. Here’s a start on the Roman law deep dive. From wikipedia:
The'history of the Jews in the Roman Empire traces the interaction of Jews and Romans during the period of'Roman Empire ( 27 BC. J.C. - 476 ). Their cultures began to overlap in the centuries before'Christian era. Jews migrated to Rome and Roman Europe since Land of Israel, the'Asia Minor, Babylon and Alexandria in response to economic difficulties and the incessant war on the land of Israel between empires ptolemaic and seleucid. In Rome, the Jewish communities enjoyed privileges and flourished economically, becoming a significant part of the population of the Empire ( perhaps up to ten percent )
This control of money came originally from a Jewish law stated many times in the bible, but clearly stated in Deut. 23:20
Unto a stranger thou mayest lend upon usury; but unto thy brother thou shalt not lend upon usury: that the LORD thy God may bless thee in all that thou settest thine hand to in the land whither thou goest to possess it.
You can fuck over anyone you want by lending at any interest rate you want, as long as you aren't trying to fuck over other Jews. By doing so, you will possess any land you go into. Which is exactly what they did. These laws were transferred to every state they lived in, including Roman Law. The respect the Romans gave to the Jews and their religion allowed them to become the money lenders, land owners, money changers, and economy controllers behind the scenes in Rome, just as they are today. Of course it wasn’t ALL the Jews, but only those at the very top, which also happened to be the Priest Class or their associates/descendants. No small number of the rest of the Jews became the early “Christians,” though they had quite different beliefs than The Church demanded they adopt later (no Trinity e.g.). I suggest that was intentional, creating two separate classes of people; the Jewish Elite (followers of the Talmud) and something of a “lost people” (AKA those Jews who refused Talmudic teachings, but adopted Jesus' teachings of God as Source).
It was a religious demand that Jews (followers of the Talmud) could only loan money to non-Jews at interest, so that’s exactly what they did, to everyone, including the Romans. It just so happens that the Christian Church made it illegal to charge interest on loans for those Jews that forsook the Talmud and followed Jesus, but allowed the "proper" Jews to do so as a respect of their religion. Weird and whacky coincidence that. All of this fuckery was created by a group of Jewish Priests 3200 or so years ago, when they wrote that law, and then insisted that all countries in which they lived respect their religious laws, by which they ruled the economic world. Nothing has changed in the interim except the form of The Grand Illusion.
Part 2 of 2
I think that many of those questions are answered when one's heart is finally opened to God, our Creator
In this I suggest we are in complete agreement. I suggest however, you can’t find that until you see who really created the Bible (both OT and NT), and for what purpose. Only by letting that go can you come to understand God (AKA Source), and what Jesus was really trying to tell us. In order to do that, I suggest you really need to read all the gospels left out of the official book. It is also essential to stop trying to fit it into the OT, or the non-gospel books of the NT. Also try to not force “every word as truth” as the Bible self-defines itself, but rather, read it as an important archaeological document (recognize the books were written by people, which isn’t in any way controversial). Let go of the self-references and arguments created with circular logic that prevent you from looking at the mountains of other evidence in earnest. Read the actual quotes of Jesus instead of assuming all the surrounding rhetoric of the author is some sort of absolute truth.
When you do that, what you get are different perspectives of the same events (and completely different events that aren’t in the Official Book). Glean from these different perspectives (historical documents) what Jesus was really trying to convey. I suggest this approach will give you a much greater understanding of the enlightenment of Jesus and his attempt to share it with us before it was twisted to serve the Priest Class. I am just shy of convinced that the people who created the Roman Christian Church was the same Priest Class as the original Jewish one, controlled by the Jewish control of the Roman economy. I still have to nail that chain down, and the Jewish monetary privileges aren’t laid out in that document (that’s a deeper dive into the Roman laws themselves), but it does show how far back their control as bankers/moneylenders/money changers went. Here’s a start on the Roman law deep dive. From wikipedia:
The'history of the Jews in the Roman Empire traces the interaction of Jews and Romans during the period of'Roman Empire ( 27 BC. J.C. - 476 ). Their cultures began to overlap in the centuries before'Christian era. Jews migrated to Rome and Roman Europe since Land of Israel, the'Asia Minor, Babylon and Alexandria in response to economic difficulties and the incessant war on the land of Israel between empires ptolemaic and seleucid. In Rome, the Jewish communities enjoyed privileges and flourished economically, becoming a significant part of the population of the Empire ( perhaps up to ten percent )
This control of money came originally from a Jewish law stated many times in the bible, but clearly stated in Deut. 23:20
Unto a stranger thou mayest lend upon usury; but unto thy brother thou shalt not lend upon usury: that the LORD thy God may bless thee in all that thou settest thine hand to in the land whither thou goest to possess it.
You can fuck over anyone you want by lending at any interest rate you want, as long as you aren't trying to fuck over other Jews. By doing so, you will possess any land you go into. Which is exactly what they did. These laws were transferred to every state they lived in, including Roman Law. The respect the Romans gave to the Jews and their religion allowed them to become the money lenders, land owners, money changers, and economy controllers behind the scenes in Rome, just as they are today. Of course it wasn’t ALL the Jews, but only those at the very top, which also happened to be the Priest Class or their associates/descendants. No small number of the rest of the Jews became the early “Christians,” though they had quite different beliefs than The Church demanded they adopt later (not Trinity e.g.). I suggest that was intentional, creating two separate classes of people; the Jewish Elite (followers of the Talmud) and something of a “lost people” (AKA those Jews who refused Talmudic teachings, but adopted Jesus' teachings of God as Source).
It was a religious demand that Jews (followers of the Talmud) could only loan money to non-Jews at interest, so that’s exactly what they did, to everyone, including the Romans. It just so happens that the Christian Church made it illegal to charge interest on loans for those Jews that forsook the Talmud and followed Jesus, but allowed the "proper" Jews to do so as a respect of their religion. Weird and whacky coincidence that. All of this fuckery was created by a group of Jewish Priests 3200 or so years ago, when they wrote that law, and then insisted that all countries in which they lived respect their religious laws, by which they ruled the economic world. Nothing has changed in the interim except the form of The Grand Illusion.
Part 2 of 2
I think that many of those questions are answered when one's heart is finally opened to God, our Creator
In this I suggest we are in complete agreement. I suggest however, you can’t find that until you see who really created the Bible (both OT and NT), and for what purpose. Only by letting that go can you come to understand God (AKA Source), and what Jesus was really trying to tell us. In order to do that, I suggest you really need to read all the gospels left out of the official book. It is also essential to stop trying to fit it into the OT, or the non-gospel books of the NT. Also try to not force “every word as truth” as the Bible self-defines itself, but rather, read it as an important archaeological document (recognize the books were written by people, which isn’t in any way controversial). Let go of the self-references and arguments created with circular logic that prevent you from looking at the mountains of other evidence in earnest. Read the actual quotes of Jesus instead of assuming all the surrounding rhetoric of the author is some sort of absolute truth.
When you do that, what you get are different perspectives of the same events (and completely different events that aren’t in the Official Book). Glean from these different perspectives (historical documents) what Jesus was really trying to convey. I suggest this approach will give you a much greater understanding of the enlightenment of Jesus and his attempt to share it with us before it was twisted to serve the Priest Class. I am just shy of convinced that the people who created the Roman Christian Church was the same Priest Class as the original Jewish one, controlled by the Jewish control of the Roman economy. I still have to nail that chain down, and the Jewish monetary privileges aren’t laid out in that document (that’s a deeper dive into the Roman laws themselves), but it does show how far back their control as bankers/moneylenders/money changers went. Here’s a start on the Roman law deep dive. From wikipedia:
The'history of the Jews in the Roman Empire traces the interaction of Jews and Romans during the period of'Roman Empire ( 27 BC. J.C. - 476 ). Their cultures began to overlap in the centuries before'Christian era. Jews migrated to Rome and Roman Europe since Land of Israel, the'Asia Minor, Babylon and Alexandria in response to economic difficulties and the incessant war on the land of Israel between empires ptolemaic and seleucid. In Rome, the Jewish communities enjoyed privileges and flourished economically, becoming a significant part of the population of the Empire ( perhaps up to ten percent )
This control of money came originally from a Jewish law stated many times in the bible, but clearly stated in Deut. 23:20
Unto a stranger thou mayest lend upon usury; but unto thy brother thou shalt not lend upon usury: that the LORD thy God may bless thee in all that thou settest thine hand to in the land whither thou goest to possess it.
You can fuck over anyone you want by lending at any interest rate you want, as long as you aren't trying to fuck over other Jews. By doing so, you will possess any land you go into. Which is exactly what they did. These laws were transferred to every state they lived in, including Roman Law. The respect the Romans gave to the Jews and their religion allowed them to become the money lenders, land owners, money changers, and economy controllers behind the scenes in Rome, just as they are today. Of course it wasn’t ALL the Jews, but only those at the very top, which also happened to be the Priest Class or their associates/descendants. Many of the rest of the Jews became the early “Christians,” though they had quite different beliefs than The Church demanded they adopt later (not Trinity e.g.). I suggest that was intentional, creating two separate classes of people; the Jewish Elite (followers of the Talmud) and something of a “lost people” (AKA those Jews who refused Talmudic teachings, but adopted Jesus' teachings of God as Source).
It was a religious demand that Jews (followers of the Talmud) could only loan money to non-Jews at interest, so that’s exactly what they did, to everyone, including the Romans. It just so happens that the Christian Church made it illegal to charge interest on loans for those Jews that forsook the Talmud and followed Jesus, but allowed the "proper" Jews to do so as a respect of their religion. Weird and whacky coincidence that. All of this fuckery was created by a group of Jewish Priests 3200 or so years ago, when they wrote that law, and then insisted that all countries in which they lived respect their religious laws, by which they ruled the economic world. Nothing has changed in the interim except the form of The Grand Illusion.
Part 2 of 2
I think that many of those questions are answered when one's heart is finally opened to God, our Creator
In this I suggest we are in complete agreement. I suggest however, you can’t find that until you see who really created the Bible (both OT and NT), and for what purpose. Only by letting that go can you come to understand God (AKA Source), and what Jesus was really trying to tell us. In order to do that, I suggest you really need to read all the gospels left out of the official book. It is also essential to stop trying to fit it into the OT, or the non-gospel books of the NT. Also try to not force “every word as truth” as the Bible self-defines itself, but rather, read it as an important archaeological document (recognize the books were written by people, which isn’t in any way controversial). Let go of the self-references and arguments created with circular logic that prevent you from looking at the mountains of other evidence in earnest. Read the actual quotes of Jesus instead of assuming all the surrounding rhetoric of the author is some sort of absolute truth.
When you do that, what you get are different perspectives of the same events (and completely different events that aren’t in the Official Book). Glean from these different perspectives (historical documents) what Jesus was really trying to convey. I suggest this approach will give you a much greater understanding of the enlightenment of Jesus and his attempt to share it with us before it was twisted to serve the Priest Class. I am just shy of convinced that the people who created the Roman Christian Church was the same Priest Class as the original Jewish one, controlled by the Jewish control of the Roman economy. I still have to nail that chain down, and the Jewish monetary privileges aren’t laid out in that document (that’s a deeper dive into the Roman laws themselves), but it does show how far back their control as bankers/moneylenders/money changers went. Here’s a start on the Roman law deep dive. From wikipedia:
The'history of the Jews in the Roman Empire traces the interaction of Jews and Romans during the period of'Roman Empire ( 27 BC. J.C. - 476 ). Their cultures began to overlap in the centuries before'Christian era. Jews migrated to Rome and Roman Europe since Land of Israel, the'Asia Minor, Babylon and Alexandria in response to economic difficulties and the incessant war on the land of Israel between empires ptolemaic and seleucid. In Rome, the Jewish communities enjoyed privileges and flourished economically, becoming a significant part of the population of the Empire ( perhaps up to ten percent )
This control of money came originally from a Jewish law stated many times in the bible, but clearly stated in Deut. 23:20
Unto a stranger thou mayest lend upon usury; but unto thy brother thou shalt not lend upon usury: that the LORD thy God may bless thee in all that thou settest thine hand to in the land whither thou goest to possess it.
You can fuck over anyone you want by lending at any interest rate you want to anyone, as long as you aren't trying to fuck over other Jews. By doing so, you will possess any land you go into. Which is exactly what they did. These laws were transferred to every state they lived in, including Roman Law. The respect the Romans gave to the Jews and their religion allowed them to become the money lenders, land owners, money changers, and economy controllers behind the scenes in Rome, just as they are today. Of course it wasn’t ALL the Jews, but only those at the very top, which also happened to be the Priest Class or their associates/descendants. Many of the rest of the Jews became the early “Christians,” though they had quite different beliefs than The Church demanded they adopt later (not Trinity e.g.). I suggest that was intentional, creating two separate classes of people; the Jewish Elite (followers of the Talmud) and something of a “lost people” (AKA those Jews who refused Talmudic teachings, but adopted Jesus' teachings of God as Source).
It was a religious demand that Jews (followers of the Talmud) could only loan money to non-Jews at interest, so that’s exactly what they did, to everyone, including the Romans. It just so happens that the Christian Church made it illegal to charge interest on loans for those Jews that forsook the Talmud and followed Jesus, but allowed the "proper" Jews to do so as a respect of their religion. Weird and whacky coincidence that. All of this fuckery was created by a group of Jewish Priests 3200 or so years ago, when they wrote that law, and then insisted that all countries in which they lived respect their religious laws, by which they ruled the economic world. Nothing has changed in the interim except the form of The Grand Illusion.
Part 2 of 2
I think that many of those questions are answered when one's heart is finally opened to God, our Creator
In this I suggest we are in complete agreement. I suggest however, you can’t find that until you see who really created the Bible (both OT and NT), and for what purpose. Only by letting that go can you come to understand God (AKA Source), and what Jesus was really trying to tell us. In order to do that, I suggest you really need to read all the gospels left out of the official book. It is also essential to stop trying to fit it into the OT, or the non-gospel books of the NT. Also try to not force “every word as truth” as the Bible self-defines itself, but rather, read it as an important archaeological document (recognize the books were written by people, which isn’t in any way controversial). Let go of the self-references and arguments created with circular logic that prevent you from looking at the mountains of other evidence in earnest. Read the actual quotes of Jesus instead of assuming all the surrounding rhetoric of the author is some sort of absolute truth.
When you do that, what you get are different perspectives of the same events (and completely different events that aren’t in the Official Book). Glean from these different perspectives (historical documents) what Jesus was really trying to convey. I suggest this approach will give you a much greater understanding of the enlightenment of Jesus and his attempt to share it with us before it was twisted to serve the Priest Class. I am just shy of convinced that the people who created the Roman Christian Church was the same Priest Class as the original Jewish one, controlled by the Jewish control of the Roman economy. I still have to nail that chain down, and the Jewish monetary privileges aren’t laid out in that document (that’s a deeper dive into the Roman laws themselves), but it does show how far back their control as bankers/moneylenders/money changers went. Here’s a start on the Roman law deep dive. From wikipedia:
The'history of the Jews in the Roman Empire traces the interaction of Jews and Romans during the period of'Roman Empire ( 27 BC. J.C. - 476 ). Their cultures began to overlap in the centuries before'Christian era. Jews migrated to Rome and Roman Europe since Land of Israel, the'Asia Minor, Babylon and Alexandria in response to economic difficulties and the incessant war on the land of Israel between empires ptolemaic and seleucid. In Rome, the Jewish communities enjoyed privileges and flourished economically, becoming a significant part of the population of the Empire ( perhaps up to ten percent )
This control of money came originally from a Jewish law stated many times in the bible, but clearly stated in Deut. 23:20
Unto a stranger thou mayest lend upon usury; but unto thy brother thou shalt not lend upon usury: that the LORD thy God may bless thee in all that thou settest thine hand to in the land whither thou goest to possess it.
You can fuck over anyone you want by lending at any interest rate you want to anyone, as long as you aren't trying to fuck over other Jews. By doing so, you will possess any land you go into. Which is exactly what they did. These laws were transferred to every state they lived in, including Roman Law. The respect the Romans gave to the Jews and their religion allowed them to become the money lenders, land owners, money changers, and economy controllers behind the scenes in Rome, just as they are today. Of course it wasn’t ALL the Jews, but only those at the very top, which also happened to be the Priest Class or their associates/descendants. Many of the rest of the Jews became the early “Christians,” though they had quite different beliefs than The Church demanded they adopt later (not Trinity e.g.). I suggest that was intentional, creating two separate classes of people; the Jewish Elite (followers of the Talmud) and something of a “lost people” (AKA those Jews who refused Talmudic teachings, but adopted Jesus' teachings of God as Source).
It was a religious demand that Jews (followers of the Talmud) could only loan money to non-Jews at interest, so that’s exactly what they did, to everyone, including the Romans. It just so happens that the Christian Church made it illegal to charge interest on loans for those Jews that forsook the Talmud and followed Jesus, but allowed the "proper" Jews to do so as a respect of their religion. Weird and whacky coincidence that. All of this fuckery was created by a group of Jewish Priests 3200 or so years ago, when they wrote that law, by which they ruled the economic world. Nothing has changed in the interim except the form of The Grand Illusion.
Part 2 of 2
I think that many of those questions are answered when one's heart is finally opened to God, our Creator
In this I suggest we are in complete agreement. I suggest however, you can’t find that until you see who really created the Bible (both OT and NT), and for what purpose. Only by letting that go can you come to understand God (AKA Source), and what Jesus was really trying to tell us. In order to do that, I suggest you really need to read all the gospels left out of the official book. It is also essential to stop trying to fit it into the OT, or the non-gospel books of the NT. Also try to not force “every word as truth” as the Bible self-defines itself, but rather, read it as an important archaeological document (recognize the books were written by people, which isn’t in any way controversial). Let go of the self-references and arguments created with circular logic that prevent you from looking at the mountains of other evidence in earnest. Read the actual quotes of Jesus instead of assuming all the surrounding rhetoric of the author is some sort of absolute truth.
When you do that, what you get are different perspectives of the same events (and completely different events that aren’t in the Official Book). Glean from these different perspectives (historical documents) what Jesus was really trying to convey. I suggest this approach will give you a much greater understanding of the enlightenment of Jesus and his attempt to share it with us before it was twisted to serve the Priest Class. I am just shy of convinced that the people who created the Roman Christian Church was the same Priest Class as the original Jewish one, controlled by the Jewish control of the Roman economy. I still have to nail that chain down, and the Jewish monetary privileges aren’t laid out in that document (that’s a deeper dive into the Roman laws themselves), but it does show how far back their control as bankers/moneylenders/money changers went. Here’s a start on the Roman law deep dive. From wikipedia:
The'history of the Jews in the Roman Empire traces the interaction of Jews and Romans during the period of'Roman Empire ( 27 BC. J.C. - 476 ). Their cultures began to overlap in the centuries before'Christian era. Jews migrated to Rome and Roman Europe since Land of Israel, the'Asia Minor, Babylon and Alexandria in response to economic difficulties and the incessant war on the land of Israel between empires ptolemaic and seleucid. In Rome, the Jewish communities enjoyed privileges and flourished economically, becoming a significant part of the population of the Empire ( perhaps up to ten percent )
This control of money came originally from a Jewish law stated many times in the bible, but clearly stated in Deut. 23:20
Unto a stranger thou mayest lend upon usury; but unto thy brother thou shalt not lend upon usury: that the LORD thy God may bless thee in all that thou settest thine hand to in the land whither thou goest to possess it.
You can fuck over anyone you want by lending at any interest rate you want to anyone, as long as you aren't trying to fuck over other Jews. By doing so, you will possess any land you go into. Which is exactly what they did. These laws were transferred to every state they lived in, including Roman Law. The respect the Romans gave to the Jews and their religion allowed them to become the money lenders, land owners, money changers, and economy controllers behind the scenes in Rome, just as they are today. Of course it wasn’t ALL the Jews, but only those at the very top, which also happened to be the Priest Class or their associates/descendants. Many of the rest of the Jews became the early “Christians,” though they had quite different beliefs than The Church demanded they adopt later (not Trinity e.g.). I suggest that was intentional, creating two separate classes of people; the Jewish Elite (followers of the Talmud) and something of a “lost people” (AKA those Jews who refused Talmudic teachings, but adopted Jesus' teachings of God as Source).
It was a religious demand that Jews (followers of the Talmud) could only loan money to non-Jews at interest, so that’s exactly what they did, to everyone, including the Romans. It just so happens that the Christian Church made it illegal to charge interest on loans for those Jews that forsook the Talmud and followed Jesus, but allowed the "proper" Jews to do so. Weird and whacky coincidence that. All of this fuckery was created by a group of Jewish Priests 3200 or so years ago, when they wrote that law, by which they ruled the economic world. Nothing has changed in the interim except the form of The Grand Illusion.
Part 2 of 2
I think that many of those questions are answered when one's heart is finally opened to God, our Creator
In this I suggest we are in complete agreement. I suggest however, you can’t find that until you see who really created the Bible (both OT and NT), and for what purpose. Only by letting that go can you come to understand God (AKA Source), and what Jesus was really trying to tell us. In order to do that, I suggest you really need to read all the gospels left out of the official book. It is also essential to stop trying to fit it into the OT, or the non-gospel books of the NT. Also try to not force “every word as truth” as the Bible self-defines itself, but rather, read it as an important archaeological document (recognize the books were written by people, which isn’t in any way controversial). Let go of the self-references and arguments created with circular logic that prevent you from looking at the mountains of other evidence in earnest. Read the actual quotes of Jesus instead of assuming all the surrounding rhetoric of the author is some sort of absolute truth.
When you do that, what you get are different perspectives of the same events (and completely different events that aren’t in the Official Book). Glean from these different perspectives (historical documents) what Jesus was really trying to convey. I suggest this approach will give you a much greater understanding of the enlightenment of Jesus and his attempt to share it with us before it was twisted to serve the Priest Class. I am just shy of convinced that the people who created the Roman Christian Church was the same Priest Class as the original Jewish one, controlled by the Jewish control of the Roman economy. I still have to nail that chain down, and the Jewish monetary privileges aren’t laid out in that document (that’s a deeper dive into the Roman laws themselves), but it does show how far back their control as bankers/moneylenders/money changers went. Here’s a start on the Roman law deep dive. From wikipedia:
The'history of the Jews in the Roman Empire traces the interaction of Jews and Romans during the period of'Roman Empire ( 27 BC. J.C. - 476 ). Their cultures began to overlap in the centuries before'Christian era. Jews migrated to Rome and Roman Europe since Land of Israel, the'Asia Minor, Babylon and Alexandria in response to economic difficulties and the incessant war on the land of Israel between empires ptolemaic and seleucid. In Rome, the Jewish communities enjoyed privileges and flourished economically, becoming a significant part of the population of the Empire ( perhaps up to ten percent )
This control of money came originally from a Jewish law stated many times in the bible, but clearly stated in Deut. 23:20
Unto a stranger thou mayest lend upon usury; but unto thy brother thou shalt not lend upon usury: that the LORD thy God may bless thee in all that thou settest thine hand to in the land whither thou goest to possess it.
You can fuck over anyone you want by lending at any interest rate you want to anyone, as long as you aren't trying to fuck over other Jews. By doing so, you will possess any land you go into. Which is exactly what they did. These laws were transferred to every state they lived in, including Roman Law. The respect the Romans gave to the Jews and their religion allowed them to become the money lenders, land owners, money changers, and economy controllers behind the scenes in Rome, just as they are today. Of course it wasn’t ALL the Jews, but only those at the very top, which also happened to be the Priest Class or their associates/descendants. Many of the rest of the Jews became the early “Christians,” though they had quite different beliefs than The Church demanded they adopt later (not Trinity e.g.). I suggest that was intentional, creating two separate classes of people; the Jewish Elite (followers of the Talmud) and something of a “lost people” (AKA those Jews who refused Talmudic teachings, but adopted Jesus' teachings of God as Source).
It was a religious demand that Jews (followers of the Talmud) could only loan money to non-Jews at interest, so that’s exactly what they did, to everyone, including the Romans. It just so happens that the Christian Church made it illegal to charge interest on loans for those Jews that forsook the Talmud, but allowed the "proper" Jews to do so. Weird and whacky coincidence that. All of this fuckery was created by a group of Jewish Priests 3200 or so years ago, when they wrote that law, by which they ruled the economic world. Nothing has changed in the interim except the form of The Grand Illusion.
Part 2 of 2
I think that many of those questions are answered when one's heart is finally opened to God, our Creator
In this I suggest we are in complete agreement. I suggest however, you can’t find that until you see who really created the Bible (both OT and NT), and for what purpose. Only by letting that go can you come to understand God (AKA Source), and what Jesus was really trying to tell us. In order to do that, I suggest you really need to read all the gospels left out of the official book. It is also essential to stop trying to fit it into the OT, or the non-gospel books of the NT. Also try to not force “every word as truth” as the Bible self-defines itself, but rather, read it as an important archaeological document (recognize the books were written by people, which isn’t in any way controversial). Let go of the self-references and arguments created with circular logic that prevent you from looking at the mountains of other evidence in earnest. Read the actual quotes of Jesus instead of assuming all the surrounding rhetoric of the author is some sort of absolute truth.
When you do that, what you get are different perspectives of the same events (and completely different events that aren’t in the Official Book). Glean from these different perspectives (historical documents) what Jesus was really trying to convey. I suggest this approach will give you a much greater understanding of the enlightenment of Jesus and his attempt to share it with us before it was twisted to serve the Priest Class. I am just shy of convinced that the people who created the Roman Christian Church was the same Priest Class as the original Jewish one, controlled by the Jewish control of the Roman economy. I still have to nail that chain down, and the Jewish monetary privileges aren’t laid out in that document (that’s a deeper dive into the Roman laws themselves), but it does show how far back their control as bankers/moneylenders/money changers went. Here’s a start on the Roman law deep dive. From wikipedia:
The'history of the Jews in the Roman Empire traces the interaction of Jews and Romans during the period of'Roman Empire ( 27 BC. J.C. - 476 ). Their cultures began to overlap in the centuries before'Christian era. Jews migrated to Rome and Roman Europe since Land of Israel, the'Asia Minor, Babylon and Alexandria in response to economic difficulties and the incessant war on the land of Israel between empires ptolemaic and seleucid. In Rome, the Jewish communities enjoyed privileges and flourished economically, becoming a significant part of the population of the Empire ( perhaps up to ten percent )
This control of money came originally from a Jewish law stated many times in the bible, but clearly stated in Deut. 23:20
Unto a stranger thou mayest lend upon usury; but unto thy brother thou shalt not lend upon usury: that the LORD thy God may bless thee in all that thou settest thine hand to in the land whither thou goest to possess it.
You can fuck over anyone you want by lending at any interest rate you want to anyone, as long as you aren't trying to fuck over other Jews. By doing so, you will possess any land you go into. Which is exactly what they did. These laws were transferred to every state they lived in, including Roman Law. The respect the Romans gave to the Jews and their religion allowed them to become the money lenders, land owners, money changers, and economy controllers behind the scenes in Rome, just as they are today. Of course it wasn’t ALL the Jews, but only those at the very top, which also happened to be the Priest Class or their associates/descendants. Many of the rest of the Jews became the early “Christians,” though they had quite different beliefs than The Church demanded they adopt later (not Trinity e.g.). I suggest that was intentional, creating two separate classes of people; the Jewish Elite (followers of the Talmud) and something of a “lost people” (AKA those Jews who refused Talmudic teachings, but adopted Jesus' teachings of God as Source). It was a religious demand that they could only loan money to non-Jews at interest, so that’s exactly what they did, to everyone, including the Romans. It just so happens that the Christian Church made it illegal to charge interest on loans, but allowed the Jews to do so. Weird and whacky coincidence that. All of this fuckery was created by a group of Jewish Priests 3200 or so years ago, when they wrote that law, by which they ruled the economic world. Nothing has changed in the interim except the form of The Grand Illusion.
Part 2 of 2
I think that many of those questions are answered when one's heart is finally opened to God, our Creator
In this I suggest we are in complete agreement. I suggest however, you can’t find that until you see who really created the Bible (both OT and NT), and for what purpose. Only by letting that go can you come to understand God (AKA Source), and what Jesus was really trying to tell us. In order to do that, I suggest you really need to read all the gospels left out of the official book. It is also essential to stop trying to fit it into the OT, or the non-gospel books of the NT. Also try to not force “every word as truth” as the Bible self-defines itself, but rather, read it as an important archaeological document (recognize the books were written by people, which isn’t in any way controversial). Let go of the self-references and arguments created with circular logic that prevent you from looking at the mountains of other evidence in earnest. Read the actual quotes of Jesus instead of assuming all the surrounding rhetoric of the author is some sort of absolute truth.
When you do that, what you get are different perspectives of the same events (and completely different events that aren’t in the Official Book). Glean from these different perspectives (historical documents) what Jesus was really trying to convey. I suggest this approach will give you a much greater understanding of the enlightenment of Jesus and his attempt to share it with us before it was twisted to serve the Priest Class. I am just shy of convinced that the people who created the Roman Christian Church was the same Priest Class as the original Jewish one, controlled by the Jewish control of the Roman economy. I still have to nail that chain down, and the Jewish monetary privileges aren’t laid out in that document (that’s a deeper dive into the Roman laws themselves), but it does show how far back their control as bankers/moneylenders/money changers went. Here’s a start on the Roman law deep dive. From wikipedia:
The'history of the Jews in the Roman Empire traces the interaction of Jews and Romans during the period of'Roman Empire ( 27 BC. J.C. - 476 ). Their cultures began to overlap in the centuries before'Christian era. Jews migrated to Rome and Roman Europe since Land of Israel, the'Asia Minor, Babylon and Alexandria in response to economic difficulties and the incessant war on the land of Israel between empires ptolemaic and seleucid. In Rome, the Jewish communities enjoyed privileges and flourished economically, becoming a significant part of the population of the Empire ( perhaps up to ten percent )
This control of money came originally from a Jewish law stated many times in the bible, but clearly stated in Deut. 23:20
Unto a stranger thou mayest lend upon usury; but unto thy brother thou shalt not lend upon usury: that the LORD thy God may bless thee in all that thou settest thine hand to in the land whither thou goest to possess it.
You can fuck over anyone you want by lending at any interest rate you want to anyone, as long as you aren't trying to fuck over other Jews. By doing so, you will possess any land you go into. Which is exactly what they did. These laws were transferred to every state they lived in, including Roman Law. The respect the Romans gave to the Jews and their religion allowed them to become the money lenders, land owners, money changers, and economy controllers behind the scenes in Rome, just as they are today. Of course it wasn’t ALL the Jews, but only those at the very top, which also happened to be the Priest Class or their associates/descendants. Many of the rest of the Jews became the early “Christians,” though they had quite different beliefs than The Church demanded they adopt later (not Trinity e.g.). I suggest that was intentional, creating two separate classes of people; the Jewish Elite (followers of the Talmud) and something of a “lost people” (AKA those Jews who refused Talmudic teachings). It was a religious demand that they could only loan money to non-Jews at interest, so that’s exactly what they did, to everyone, including the Romans. It just so happens that the Christian Church made it illegal to charge interest on loans, but allowed the Jews to do so. Weird and whacky coincidence that. All of this fuckery was created by a group of Jewish Priests 3200 or so years ago, when they wrote that law, by which they ruled the economic world. Nothing has changed in the interim except the form of The Grand Illusion.
Part 2 of 2
I think that many of those questions are answered when one's heart is finally opened to God, our Creator
In this I suggest we are in complete agreement. I suggest however, you can’t find that until you see who really created the Bible (both OT and NT), and for what purpose. Only by letting that go can you come to understand God (AKA Source), and what Jesus was really trying to tell us. In order to do that, I suggest you really need to read all the gospels left out of the official book. It is also essential to stop trying to fit it into the OT, or the non-gospel books of the NT. Also try to not force “every word as truth” as the Bible self-defines itself, but rather, read it as an important archaeological document (recognize the books were written by people, which isn’t in any way controversial). Let go of the self-references and arguments created with circular logic that prevent you from looking at the mountains of other evidence in earnest. Read the actual quotes of Jesus instead of assuming all the surrounding rhetoric of the author is some sort of absolute truth.
When you do that, what you get are different perspectives of the same events (and completely different events that aren’t in the Official Book). Glean from these different perspectives (historical documents) what Jesus was really trying to convey. I suggest this approach will give you a much greater understanding of the enlightenment of Jesus and his attempt to share it with us before it was twisted to serve the Priest Class. I am just shy of convinced that the people who created the Roman Christian Church was the same Priest Class as the original Jewish one, controlled by the Jewish control of the Roman economy. I still have to nail that chain down, and the Jewish monetary privileges aren’t laid out in that document (that’s a deeper dive into the Roman laws themselves), but it does show how far back their control as bankers/moneylenders/money changers went. Here’s a start on the Roman law deep dive. From wikipedia:
The'history of the Jews in the Roman Empire traces the interaction of Jews and Romans during the period of'Roman Empire ( 27 BC. J.C. - 476 ). Their cultures began to overlap in the centuries before'Christian era. Jews migrated to Rome and Roman Europe since Land of Israel, the'Asia Minor, Babylon and Alexandria in response to economic difficulties and the incessant war on the land of Israel between empires ptolemaic and seleucid. In Rome, the Jewish communities enjoyed privileges and flourished economically, becoming a significant part of the population of the Empire ( perhaps up to ten percent )
This control of money came originally from a Jewish law stated many times in the bible, but clearly stated in Deut. 23:20
Unto a stranger thou mayest lend upon usury; but unto thy brother thou shalt not lend upon usury: that the LORD thy God may bless thee in all that thou settest thine hand to in the land whither thou goest to possess it.
You can fuck over anyone you want by lending at any interest rate you want to anyone, as long as you aren't trying to fuck over other Jews. By doing so, you will possess any land you go into. Which is exactly what they did. These laws were transferred to every state they lived in, including Roman Law. The respect the Romans gave to the Jews and their religion allowed them to become the money lenders, land owners, money changers, and economy controllers behind the scenes in Rome, just as they are today. Of course it wasn’t ALL the Jews, but only those at the very top, which also happened to be the Priest Class or their associates/descendants. Many of the rest of the Jews became the early “Christians,” though they had quite different beliefs than The Church demanded they adopt later (not Trinity e.g.). I suggest that was intentional, creating two separate classes of people (the Jewish Elite and something of a “lost people” (AKA those Jews who refused Talmudic teachings). It was a religious demand that they could only loan money to non-Jews at interest, so that’s exactly what they did, to everyone, including the Romans. It just so happens that the Christian Church made it illegal to charge interest on loans, but allowed the Jews to do so. Weird and whacky coincidence that. All of this fuckery was created by a group of Jewish Priests 3200 or so years ago, when they wrote that law, by which they ruled the economic world. Nothing has changed in the interim except the form of The Grand Illusion.
Part 2 of 2
I think that many of those questions are answered when one's heart is finally opened to God, our Creator
In this I suggest we are in complete agreement. I suggest however, you can’t find that until you see who really created the Bible (both OT and NT), and for what purpose. Only by letting that go can you come to understand God (AKA Source), and what Jesus was really trying to tell us. In order to do that, I suggest you really need to read all the gospels left out of the official book. It is also essential to stop trying to fit it into the OT, or the non-gospel books of the NT. Also try to not force “every word as truth” as the Bible self-defines itself, but rather, read it as an important archaeological document (recognize the books were written by people, which isn’t in any way controversial). Let go of the self-references and arguments created with circular logic that prevent you from looking at the mountains of other evidence in earnest. Read the actual quotes of Jesus instead of assuming all the surrounding rhetoric of the author is some sort of absolute truth.
When you do that, what you get are different perspectives of the same events (and completely different events that aren’t in the Official Book). Glean from these different perspectives (historical documents) what Jesus was really trying to convey. I suggest this approach will give you a much greater understanding of the enlightenment of Jesus and his attempt to share it with us before it was twisted to serve the Priest Class. I am just shy of convinced that the people who created the Roman Christian Church was the same Priest Class as the original Jewish one, controlled by the Jewish control of the Roman economy. I still have to nail that chain down, and the Jewish monetary privileges aren’t laid out in that document (that’s a deeper dive into the Roman laws themselves), but it does show how far back their control as bankers/moneylenders/money changers went. Here’s a start on the Roman law deep dive. From wikipedia:
The'history of the Jews in the Roman Empire traces the interaction of Jews and Romans during the period of'Roman Empire ( 27 BC. J.C. - 476 ). Their cultures began to overlap in the centuries before'Christian era. Jews migrated to Rome and Roman Europe since Land of Israel, the'Asia Minor, Babylon and Alexandria in response to economic difficulties and the incessant war on the land of Israel between empires ptolemaic and seleucid. In Rome, the Jewish communities enjoyed privileges and flourished economically, becoming a significant part of the population of the Empire ( perhaps up to ten percent )
This control of money came originally from a Jewish law stated many times in the bible, but clearly stated in Deut. 23:20
Unto a stranger thou mayest lend upon usury; but unto thy brother thou shalt not lend upon usury: that the LORD thy God may bless thee in all that thou settest thine hand to in the land whither thou goest to possess it.
You can fuck over anyone you want by lending at any interest rate you want to anyone, as long as you aren't trying to fuck over other Jews. By doing so, you will possess any land you go into. Which is exactly what they did. These laws were transferred to every state they lived in, including Roman Law. The respect the Romans gave to the Jews and their religion allowed them to become the money lenders, land owners, money changers, and economy controllers behind the scenes in Rome, just as they are today. Of course it wasn’t ALL the Jews, but only those at the very top, which also happened to be the Priest Class or their associates/descendants. Many of the rest of the Jews became the early “Christians,” though they had quite different beliefs than The Church demanded they adopt later. I suggest that was intentional, creating two separate classes of people (the Jewish Elite and something of a “lost people” (AKA those Jews who refused Talmudic teachings). It was a religious demand that they could only loan money to non-Jews at interest, so that’s exactly what they did, to everyone, including the Romans. It just so happens that the Christian Church made it illegal to charge interest on loans, but allowed the Jews to do so. Weird and whacky coincidence that. All of this fuckery was created by a group of Jewish Priests 3200 or so years ago, when they wrote that law, by which they ruled the economic world. Nothing has changed in the interim except the form of The Grand Illusion.
Part 2 of 2
I think that many of those questions are answered when one's heart is finally opened to God, our Creator
In this I suggest we are in complete agreement. I suggest however, you can’t find that until you see who really created the Bible (both OT and NT), and for what purpose. Only by letting that go can you come to understand God (AKA Source), and what Jesus was really trying to tell us. In order to do that, I suggest you really need to read all the gospels left out of the official book. It is also essential to stop trying to fit it into the OT, or the non-gospel books of the NT. Also try to not force “every word as truth” as the Bible self-defines itself, but rather, read it as an important archaeological document (recognize the books were written by people, which isn’t in any way controversial). Let go of the self-references and arguments created with circular logic that prevent you from looking at the mountains of other evidence in earnest. Read the actual quotes of Jesus instead of assuming all the surrounding rhetoric of the author is some sort of absolute truth.
When you do that, what you get are different perspectives of the same events (and completely different events that aren’t in the Official Book). Glean from these different perspectives (historical documents) what Jesus was really trying to convey. I suggest this approach will give you a much greater understanding of the enlightenment of Jesus and his attempt to share it with us before it was twisted to serve the Priest Class. I am just shy of convinced that the people who created the Roman Christian Church was the same Priest Class as the original Jewish one, controlled by the Jewish control of the Roman economy. I still have to nail that chain down, and the Jewish monetary privileges aren’t laid out in that document (that’s a deeper dive into the Roman laws themselves), but it does show how far back their control as bankers/moneylenders/money changers went. Here’s a start on the Roman law deep dive. From wikipedia:
The'history of the Jews in the Roman Empire traces the interaction of Jews and Romans during the period of'Roman Empire ( 27 BC. J.C. - 476 ). Their cultures began to overlap in the centuries before'Christian era. Jews migrated to Rome and Roman Europe since Land of Israel, the'Asia Minor, Babylon and Alexandria in response to economic difficulties and the incessant war on the land of Israel between empires ptolemaic and seleucid. In Rome, the Jewish communities enjoyed privileges and flourished economically, becoming a significant part of the population of the Empire ( perhaps up to ten percent )
This control of money came originally from a Jewish law stated many times in the bible, but clearly stated in Deut. 23:20
Unto a stranger thou mayest lend upon usury; but unto thy brother thou shalt not lend upon usury: that the LORD thy God may bless thee in all that thou settest thine hand to in the land whither thou goest to possess it.
You can fuck over anyone you want by lending at any interest rate you want to anyone, as long as you aren't trying to fuck over other Jews. By doing so, you will possess any land you go into. Which is exactly what they did. These laws were transferred to every state they lived in, including Roman Law. The respect the Romans gave to the Jews and their religion allowed them to become the money lenders, land owners, money changers, and economy controllers behind the scenes in Rome, just as they are today. Of course it wasn’t ALL the Jews, but only those at the very top, which also happened to be the Priest Class or their associates/descendants. Many of the rest became the early “Christians,” though they had quite different beliefs than The Church demanded they adopt later. I suggest that was intentional, creating two separate classes of people (the Jewish Elite and something of a “lost people” (AKA those Jews who refused Talmudic teachings). It was a religious demand that they could only loan money to non-Jews at interest, so that’s exactly what they did, to everyone, including the Romans. It just so happens that the Christian Church made it illegal to charge interest on loans, but allowed the Jews to do so. Weird and whacky coincidence that. All of this fuckery was created by a group of Jewish Priests 3200 or so years ago, when they wrote that law, by which they ruled the economic world. Nothing has changed in the interim except the form of The Grand Illusion.
Part 2 of 2
I think that many of those questions are answered when one's heart is finally opened to God, our Creator
In this I suggest we are in complete agreement. I suggest however, you can’t find that until you see who really created the Bible (both OT and NT), and for what purpose. Only by letting that go can you come to understand God (AKA Source), and what Jesus was really trying to tell us. In order to do that, I suggest you really need to read all the gospels left out of the official book. It is also essential to stop trying to fit it into the OT, or the non-gospel books of the NT. Also try to not force “every word as truth” as the Bible self-defines itself, but rather, read it as an important archaeological document (recognize the books were written by people, which isn’t in any way controversial). Let go of the self-references and arguments created with circular logic that prevent you from looking at the mountains of other evidence in earnest. Read the actual quotes of Jesus instead of assuming all the surrounding rhetoric of the author is some sort of absolute truth.
When you do that, what you get are different perspectives of the same events (and completely different events that aren’t in the Official Book). Glean from these different perspectives (historical documents) what Jesus was really trying to convey. I suggest this approach will give you a much greater understanding of the enlightenment of Jesus and his attempt to share it with us before it was twisted to serve the Priest Class. I am just shy of convinced that the people who created the Roman Christian Church was the same Priest Class as the original Jewish one, controlled by the Jewish control of the Roman economy. I still have to nail that chain down, and the Jewish monetary privileges aren’t laid out in that document (that’s a deeper dive into the Roman laws themselves), but it does show how far back their control as bankers/moneylenders/money changers went. Here’s a start on that deep dive. From wikipedia:
The'history of the Jews in the Roman Empire traces the interaction of Jews and Romans during the period of'Roman Empire ( 27 BC. J.C. - 476 ). Their cultures began to overlap in the centuries before'Christian era. Jews migrated to Rome and Roman Europe since Land of Israel, the'Asia Minor, Babylon and Alexandria in response to economic difficulties and the incessant war on the land of Israel between empires ptolemaic and seleucid. In Rome, the Jewish communities enjoyed privileges and flourished economically, becoming a significant part of the population of the Empire ( perhaps up to ten percent )
This control of money came originally from a Jewish law stated many times in the bible, but clearly stated in Deut. 23:20
Unto a stranger thou mayest lend upon usury; but unto thy brother thou shalt not lend upon usury: that the LORD thy God may bless thee in all that thou settest thine hand to in the land whither thou goest to possess it.
You can fuck over anyone you want by lending at any interest rate you want to anyone, as long as you aren't trying to fuck over other Jews. By doing so, you will possess any land you go into. Which is exactly what they did. These laws were transferred to every state they lived in, including Roman Law. The respect the Romans gave to the Jews and their religion allowed them to become the money lenders, land owners, money changers, and economy controllers behind the scenes in Rome, just as they are today. Of course it wasn’t ALL the Jews, but only those at the very top, which also happened to be the Priest Class or their associates/descendants. Many of the rest became the early “Christians,” though they had quite different beliefs than The Church demanded they adopt later. I suggest that was intentional, creating two separate classes of people (the Jewish Elite and something of a “lost people” (AKA those Jews who refused Talmudic teachings). It was a religious demand that they could only loan money to non-Jews at interest, so that’s exactly what they did, to everyone, including the Romans. It just so happens that the Christian Church made it illegal to charge interest on loans, but allowed the Jews to do so. Weird and whacky coincidence that. All of this fuckery was created by a group of Jewish Priests 3200 or so years ago, when they wrote that law, by which they ruled the economic world. Nothing has changed in the interim except the form of The Grand Illusion.
Part 2 of 2
I think that many of those questions are answered when one's heart is finally opened to God, our Creator
In this I suggest we are in complete agreement. I suggest however, you can’t find that until you see who really created the Bible (both OT and NT), and for what purpose. Only by letting that go can you come to understand God (AKA Source), and what Jesus was really trying to tell us. In order to do that, I suggest you really need to read all the gospels left out of the official book. It is also essential to stop trying to fit it into the OT, or the non-gospel books of the NT. Also try to not force “every word as truth” as the Bible self-defines itself, but rather, read it as an important archaeological document (recognize the books were written by people, which isn’t in any way controversial). Let go of the self-references and arguments created with circular logic that prevent you from looking at the mountains of other evidence in earnest. Read the actual quotes of Jesus instead of assuming all the surrounding rhetoric of the author is some sort of absolute truth.
When you do that, what you get are different perspectives of the same events (and completely different events that aren’t in the Official Book). Glean from these different perspectives (historical documents) what Jesus was really trying to convey. I suggest this approach will give you a much greater understanding of the enlightenment of Jesus and his attempt to share it with us before it was twisted to serve the Priest Class. I am just shy of convinced that the people who created the Roman Christian Church was the same Priest Class as the original Jewish one, controlled by the Jewish control of the Roman economy. I still have to nail that chain down, and the Jewish monetary privileges aren’t laid out in that document (that’s a deeper dive into the Roman laws themselves), but it does show how far back their control as bankers/moneylenders/money changers went. Here’s a start on that deep dive. From wikipedia:
The'history of the Jews in the Roman Empire traces the interaction of Jews and Romans during the period of'Roman Empire ( 27 BC. J.C. - 476 ). Their cultures began to overlap in the centuries before'Christian era. Jews migrated to Rome and Roman Europe since Land of Israel, the'Asia Minor, Babylon and Alexandria in response to economic difficulties and the incessant war on the land of Israel between empires ptolemaic and seleucid. In Rome, the Jewish communities enjoyed privileges and flourished economically, becoming a significant part of the population of the Empire ( perhaps up to ten percent )
This control of money came originally from a Jewish law stated many times in the bible, but clearly stated in Deut. 23:20
Unto a stranger thou mayest lend upon usury; but unto thy brother thou shalt not lend upon usury: that the LORD thy God may bless thee in all that thou settest thine hand to in the land whither thou goest to possess it.
You can fuck over anyone you want by lending at any interest rate you want to anyone, as long as you aren't trying to fuck over other Jews. By doing so, you will possess any land you go into. Which is exactly what they did. These laws were transferred to every state they lived in, including Roman Law. The respect the Romans gave to the Jews and their religion allowed them to become the money lenders, land owners, money changers, and economy controllers behind the scenes in Rome, just as they are today. Of course it wasn’t ALL the Jews, but only those at the very top, which also happened to be the Priest Class or their associates/descendants. Many of the rest became the early “Christians,” though they had quite different beliefs than The Church demanded they adopt later. I suggest that was intentional, creating two separate classes of people (the Jewish Elite and something of a “lost people” (AKA those Jews who refused Talmudic teachings). It was that religious demand that they could only loan money to non-Jews at interest, so that’s exactly what they did, to everyone, including the Romans. All created by a group of Jewish Priests 3200 or so years ago by which they ruled the economic world. Nothing has changed in the interim except the form of The Grand Illusion.
Part 2 of 2
I think that many of those questions are answered when one's heart is finally opened to God, our Creator
In this I suggest we are in complete agreement. I suggest however, you can’t find that until you see who really created the Bible (both OT and NT), and for what purpose. Only by letting that go can you come to understand God (AKA Source), and what Jesus was really trying to tell us. In order to do that, I suggest you really need to read all the gospels left out of the official book. It is also essential to stop trying to fit it into the OT, or the non-gospel books of the NT. Also try to not force “every word as truth” as the Bible self-defines itself, but rather, read it as an important archaeological document (recognize the books were written by people, which isn’t in any way controversial). Let go of the self-references and arguments created with circular logic that prevent you from looking at the mountains of other evidence in earnest. Read the actual quotes of Jesus instead of assuming all the surrounding rhetoric of the author is some sort of absolute truth.
When you do that, what you get are different perspectives of the same events (and completely different events that aren’t in the Official Book). Glean from these different perspectives (historical documents) what Jesus was really trying to convey. I suggest this approach will give you a much greater understanding of the enlightenment of Jesus and his attempt to share it with us before it was twisted to serve the Priest Class. I am just shy of convinced that the people who created the Roman Christian Church was the same Priest Class as the original Jewish one, controlled by the Jewish control of the Roman economy. I still have to nail that chain down, and the Jewish monetary privileges aren’t laid out in that document (that’s a deeper dive into the Roman laws themselves), but it does show how far back their control as bankers/moneylenders/money changers went. Here’s a start on that deep dive. From wikipedia:
The'history of the Jews in the Roman Empire traces the interaction of Jews and Romans during the period of'Roman Empire ( 27 BC. J.C. - 476 ). Their cultures began to overlap in the centuries before'Christian era. Jews migrated to Rome and Roman Europe since Land of Israel, the'Asia Minor, Babylon and Alexandria in response to economic difficulties and the incessant war on the land of Israel between empires ptolemaic and seleucid. In Rome, the Jewish communities enjoyed privileges and flourished economically, becoming a significant part of the population of the Empire ( perhaps up to ten percent )
This control of money came originally from a Jewish law stated many times in the bible, but clearly stated in Deut. 23:20
Unto a stranger thou mayest lend upon usury; but unto thy brother thou shalt not lend upon usury: that the LORD thy God may bless thee in all that thou settest thine hand to in the land whither thou goest to possess it.
You can fuck over anyone you want by lending at any interest rate you want to anyone, as long as you aren't trying to fuck over other Jews. By doing so, you will possess any land you go into. Which is exactly what they did. These laws were transferred to every state they lived in, including Roman Law. The respect the Romans gave to the Jews and their religion allowed them to become the money lenders, land owners, money changers, and economy controllers behind the scenes in Rome, just as they are today. Of course it wasn’t ALL the Jews, but only those at the very top. Many of the rest became the early “Christians,” though they had quite different beliefs than The Church demanded they adopt later. I suggest that was intentional, creating two separate classes of people (the Jewish Elite and something of a “lost people” (AKA those Jews who refused Talmudic teachings). It was that religious demand that they could only loan money to non-Jews at interest, so that’s exactly what they did, to everyone, including the Romans. All created by a group of Jewish Priests 3200 or so years ago by which they ruled the economic world. Nothing has changed in the interim except the form of The Grand Illusion.
Part 2 of 2
I think that many of those questions are answered when one's heart is finally opened to God, our Creator
In this I suggest we are in complete agreement. I suggest however, you can’t find that until you see who really created the Bible (both OT and NT), and for what purpose. Only by letting that go can you come to understand God (AKA Source), and what Jesus was really trying to tell us. In order to do that, I suggest you really need to read all the gospels left out of the official book. It is also essential to stop trying to fit it into the OT, or the non-gospel books of the NT. Also try to not force “every word as truth” as the Bible self-defines itself, but rather, read it as an important archaeological document (recognize the books were written by people, which isn’t in any way controversial). Let go of the self-references and arguments created with circular logic that prevent you from looking at the mountains of other evidence in earnest. Read the actual quotes of Jesus instead of assuming all the surrounding rhetoric of the author is some sort of absolute truth.
When you do that, what you get are different perspectives of the same events (and completely different events that aren’t in the Official Book). Glean from these different perspectives (historical documents) what Jesus was really trying to convey. I suggest this approach will give you a much greater understanding of the enlightenment of Jesus and his attempt to share it with us before it was twisted to serve the Priest Class. I am just shy of convinced that the people who created the Roman Christian Church was the same Priest Class as the original Jewish one, controlled by the Jewish control of the Roman economy. I still have to nail that chain down, and the Jewish monetary privileges aren’t laid out in that document (that’s a deeper dive into the Roman laws themselves), but it does show how far back their control as bankers/moneylenders/money changers went. Here’s a start on that deep dive. From wikipedia:
The'history of the Jews in the Roman Empire traces the interaction of Jews and Romans during the period of'Roman Empire ( 27 BC. J.C. - 476 ). Their cultures began to overlap in the centuries before'Christian era. Jews migrated to Rome and Roman Europe since Land of Israel, the'Asia Minor, Babylon and Alexandria in response to economic difficulties and the incessant war on the land of Israel between empires ptolemaic and seleucid. In Rome, the Jewish communities enjoyed privileges and flourished economically, becoming a significant part of the population of the Empire ( perhaps up to ten percent )
This control of money came originally from a Jewish law stated many times in the bible, but clearly stated in Deut. 23:20
Unto a stranger thou mayest lend upon usury; but unto thy brother thou shalt not lend upon usury: that the LORD thy God may bless thee in all that thou settest thine hand to in the land whither thou goest to possess it.
You can lend at any interest rate you want to anyone, as long as they aren't other Jews. By doing so, you will possess any land you go into. Which is exactly what they did. These laws were transferred to every state they lived in, including Roman Law. The respect the Romans gave to the Jews and their religion allowed them to become the money lenders, land owners, money changers, and economy controllers behind the scenes in Rome, just as they are today. Of course it wasn’t ALL the Jews, but only those at the very top. Many of the rest became the early “Christians,” though they had quite different beliefs than The Church demanded they adopt later. I suggest that was intentional, creating two separate classes of people (the Jewish Elite and something of a “lost people” (AKA those Jews who refused Talmudic teachings). It was that religious demand that they could only loan money to non-Jews at interest, so that’s exactly what they did, to everyone, including the Romans. All created by a group of Jewish Priests 3200 or so years ago by which they ruled the economic world. Nothing has changed in the interim except the form of The Grand Illusion.
Part 2 of 2
I think that many of those questions are answered when one's heart is finally opened to God, our Creator
In this I suggest we are in complete agreement. I suggest however, you can’t find that until you see who really created the Bible (both OT and NT), and for what purpose. Only by letting that go can you come to understand God (AKA Source), and what Jesus was really trying to tell us. In order to do that, I suggest you really need to read all the gospels left out of the official book. It is also essential to stop trying to fit it into the OT, or the non-gospel books of the NT. Also try to not force “every word as truth” as the Bible self-defines itself, but rather, read it as an important archaeological document (recognize the books were written by people, which isn’t in any way controversial). Let go of the self-references and arguments created with circular logic that prevent you from looking at the mountains of other evidence in earnest. Read the actual quotes of Jesus instead of assuming all the surrounding rhetoric of the author is some sort of absolute truth.
When you do that, what you get are different perspectives of the same events (and completely different events that aren’t in the Official Book). Glean from these different perspectives (historical documents) what Jesus was really trying to convey. I suggest this approach will give you a much greater understanding of the enlightenment of Jesus and his attempt to share it with us before it was twisted to serve the Priest Class. I am just shy of convinced that the people who created the Roman Christian Church was the same Priest Class as the original Jewish one, controlled by the Jewish control of the Roman economy. I still have to nail that chain down, and the Jewish monetary privileges aren’t laid out in that document (that’s a deeper dive into the Roman laws themselves), but it does show how far back their control as bankers/moneylenders/money changers went. Here’s a start on that deep dive. From wikipedia:
The'history of the Jews in the Roman Empire traces the interaction of Jews and Romans during the period of'Roman Empire ( 27 BC. J.C. - 476 ). Their cultures began to overlap in the centuries before'Christian era. Jews migrated to Rome and Roman Europe since Land of Israel, the'Asia Minor, Babylon and Alexandria in response to economic difficulties and the incessant war on the land of Israel between empires ptolemaic and seleucid. In Rome, the Jewish communities enjoyed privileges and flourished economically, becoming a significant part of the population of the Empire ( perhaps up to ten percent )
This control of money came originally from a Jewish law stated many times in the bible, but clearly stated in Deut. 23:20
Unto a stranger thou mayest lend upon usury; but unto thy brother thou shalt not lend upon usury: that the LORD thy God may bless thee in all that thou settest thine hand to in the land whither thou goest to possess it.
You can lend at any interest rate you want to anyone, as long as they aren't other Jews. These laws were transferred to every state they lived in, including Roman Law. The respect the Romans gave to the Jews and their religion allowed them to become the money lenders, land owners, money changers, and economy controllers behind the scenes in Rome, just as they are today. Of course it wasn’t ALL the Jews, but only those at the very top. Many of the rest became the early “Christians,” though they had quite different beliefs than The Church demanded they adopt later. I suggest that was intentional, creating two separate classes of people (the Jewish Elite and something of a “lost people” (AKA those Jews who refused Talmudic teachings). It was that religious demand that they could only loan money to non-Jews at interest, so that’s exactly what they did, to everyone, including the Romans. All created by a group of Jewish Priests 3200 or so years ago by which they ruled the economic world. Nothing has changed in the interim except the form of The Grand Illusion.
Part 2 of 2
I think that many of those questions are answered when one's heart is finally opened to God, our Creator
In this I suggest we are in complete agreement. I suggest however, you can’t find that until you see who really created the Bible (both OT and NT), and for what purpose. Only by letting that go can you come to understand God (AKA Source), and what Jesus was really trying to tell us. In order to do that, I suggest you really need to read all the gospels left out of the official book. It is also essential to stop trying to fit it into the OT, or the non-gospel books of the NT. Also try to not force “every word as truth” as the Bible self-defines itself, but rather, read it as an important archaeological document (recognize the books were written by people, which isn’t in any way controversial). Let go of the self-references and arguments created with circular logic that prevent you from looking at the mountains of other evidence in earnest. Read the actual quotes of Jesus instead of assuming all the surrounding rhetoric of the author is some sort of absolute truth.
When you do that, what you get are different perspectives of the same events (and completely different events that aren’t in the Official Book). Glean from these different perspectives (historical documents) what Jesus was really trying to convey. I suggest this approach will give you a much greater understanding of the enlightenment of Jesus and his attempt to share it with us before it was twisted to serve the Priest Class. I am just shy of convinced that the people who created the Roman Christian Church was the same Priest Class as the original Jewish one, controlled by the Jewish control of the Roman economy. I still have to nail that chain down, and the Jewish monetary privileges aren’t laid out in that document (that’s a deeper dive into the Roman laws themselves), but it does show how far back their control as bankers/moneylenders/money changers went. Here’s a start on that deep dive. From wikipedia:
The'history of the Jews in the Roman Empire traces the interaction of Jews and Romans during the period of'Roman Empire ( 27 BC. J.C. - 476 ). Their cultures began to overlap in the centuries before'Christian era. Jews migrated to Rome and Roman Europe since Land of Israel, the'Asia Minor, Babylon and Alexandria in response to economic difficulties and the incessant war on the land of Israel between empires ptolemaic and seleucid. In Rome, the Jewish communities enjoyed privileges and flourished economically, becoming a significant part of the population of the Empire ( perhaps up to ten percent )
This control of money came originally from a Jewish law stated many times in the bible, but clearly stated in Deut. 23:20
Unto a stranger thou mayest lend upon usury; but unto thy brother thou shalt not lend upon usury: that the LORD thy God may bless thee in all that thou settest thine hand to in the land whither thou goest to possess it.
You can lend at any interest rate you want to anyone, as long as they aren't other Jews. These laws were transferred to every state they lived in, including Roman Law. The respect the Romans gave to the Jews and their religion allowed them to become the money lenders, land owners, money changers, and economy controllers behind the scenes in Rome, just as they are today. Of course it wasn’t ALL the Jews, but only those at the very top. Many of the rest became the early “Christians,” though they had quite different beliefs than The Church demanded they adopt later. I suggest that was intentional, creating two separate classes of people (the Jewish Elite and something of a “lost people” (AKA those Jews who refused Talmudic teachings). It was that religious demand that they could only loan money to non-Jews at interest, so that’s exactly what they did, to everyone, including the Romans. All created by a group of Jewish Priests 3200 or so years ago by which they ruled the economic world. Nothing has changed in the interim except the form of The Grand Illusion.
Part 2 of 2
I think that many of those questions are answered when one's heart is finally opened to God, our Creator
In this I suggest we are in complete agreement. I suggest however, you can’t find that until you see who really created the Bible (both OT and NT), and for what purpose. Only by letting that go can you come to understand God (AKA Source), and what Jesus was really trying to tell us. In order to do that, I suggest you really need to read all the gospels left out of the official book. It is also essential to stop trying to fit it into the OT, or the non-gospel books of the NT. Also try to not force “every word as truth” as the Bible self-defines itself, but rather, read it as an important archaeological document (recognize the books were written by people, which isn’t in any way controversial). Let go of the self-references and arguments created with circular logic that prevent you from looking at the mountains of other evidence in earnest. Read the actual quotes of Jesus instead of assuming all the surrounding rhetoric of the author is some sort of absolute truth.
When you do that, what you get are different perspectives of the same events (and completely different events that aren’t in the Official Book). Glean from these different perspectives (historical documents) what Jesus was really trying to convey. I suggest this approach will give you a much greater understanding of the enlightenment of Jesus and his attempt to share it with us before it was twisted to serve the Priest Class. I am just shy of convinced that the people who created the Roman Christian Church was the same Priest Class as the original Jewish one, controlled by the Jewish control of the Roman economy. I still have to nail that chain down, and the Jewish monetary privileges aren’t laid out in that document (that’s a deeper dive into the Roman laws themselves), but it does show how far back their control as bankers/moneylenders/money changers went. Here’s a start on that deep dive. From wikipedia:
The'history of the Jews in the Roman Empire traces the interaction of Jews and Romans during the period of'Roman Empire ( 27 BC. J.C. - 476 ). Their cultures began to overlap in the centuries before'Christian era. Jews migrated to Rome and Roman Europe since Land of Israel, the'Asia Minor, Babylon and Alexandria in response to economic difficulties and the incessant war on the land of Israel between empires ptolemaic and seleucid. In Rome, the Jewish communities enjoyed privileges and flourished economically, becoming a significant part of the population of the Empire ( perhaps up to ten percent )
This control of money was, from a Jewish law and subsequent Roman law standpoint derived from the verse in Exodus shown above. The respect the Romans gave to the Jews and their religion allowed them to become the money lenders, land owners, money changers, and economy controllers behind the scenes in Rome, just as they are today. Of course it wasn’t ALL the Jews, but only those at the very top. Many of the rest became the early “Christians,” though they had quite different beliefs than The Church demanded they adopt later. I suggest that was intentional, creating two separate classes of people (the Jewish Elite and something of a “lost people” (AKA those Jews who refused Talmudic teachings). It was that religious demand that they could only loan money to non-Jews at interest, so that’s exactly what they did, to everyone, including the Romans. All created by a group of Jewish Priests 3200 or so years ago by which they ruled the economic world. Nothing has changed in the interim except the form of The Grand Illusion.