Well, how shall I put this into words ..... The poll shows that the vaxx has a war evasive effect. It is their vaxx that does not set wold war III in motion. It was a shoddy job. But fortunately, we can blame Trump because of operation Warpspeed.
See, it's Trump's fault. Now the CB has no cover to play dirty.
Well, how shall I put this into words ..... The poll shows that the vaxx has a war evasive effect. It is their vaxx that does not set wold war III in motion. It was a shoddy job. But fortunately, we can blame Trump because of operation Warpspeed.
See, it's Trump's fault. Now the CB has no cover to play dirty.
hmmm ... I wonder ....
Potus: You know what this is? Maybe the calm before the storm, as the people working with Trump gather in a half circle to be photographed and filmed.
Stormy Daniels ......
C before D.
Can you see it?
C (Calm) before D ( Daniels?)
Guys and girls, In my view, this is pure unaldultered home grown, bio organic Deep State Bait, and they bit. hahaha more than they can chew. But spitting it out will be difficult with hooks in the gullet. No Frankie Sinatra "I did it my way" for them though a final curtain would be nice.
If that is all they have .... dogs often return to their own vomit. And these vicious people are presenting it as a holy crusade. And paying your absolution to Soros never is a good thing.
In terms of the triple Protest, it reminds me of Q's: Fight, Fight, Fight. Remember your pledge.
protest (n.)
c. 1400, "avowal, pledge, solemn declaration," from Old French protest, from protester, from Latin protestari "declare publicly, testify, protest," from pro- "forth, before" (from PIE root *per- (1) "forward," hence "in front of, before") + testari "testify," from testis "witness" (see testament).
Meaning "statement of disapproval" is recorded by 1751. By late 19c. this was mostly restricted to "a solemn or formal declaration against some act or course of action."
I would consider the declaration of independence in that category of a solemn declaration of disapproval.