Don’t you find it weird when you reject the shot, they immediately offer a shot for something else? Why not a pill for something? Why not check your blood pressure again or ask for a urine sample or ask about your diet? Do they care about anything that’s not an injection? Do you trust you won’t get injected with the covid vax against your knowledge? It’s happened already to hundreds of people at least and reported in the mainstream news.
Edit: Her “I don’t judge” comment implies you are in the wrong. What’s there to judge? “I don’t judge” is what I would say to a person who sleeps around, but I don’t make it any of my business.
Don’t you find it weird when you reject the shot, they immediately offer a shot for something else? Why not a pill for something? Why not check your blood pressure again or ask for a urine sample or ask about your diet? Do they care about anything that’s not an injection? Do you trust you won’t get injected with the covid vax against your knowledge? It’s happened already to hundreds of people at least and reported in the mainstream news.