A couple of nights ago I saw in a dream some black ducklings. They were in a box on a sort of wooden stand, not on the ground. I was so struck by the fact that they were BLACK because I'd never seen a black mallard before. There were 3 or 4 very young ones and one that was a little older and bigger but still quite small and young. Some of them had a little bright white feather poking out of their pitch black feathers near the base of their wings.
For all y'all who believe God speaks to us through dreams, this is what I believe this represented: The enemy is planning a handful of black swan events, but they've been infiltrated by white hats. Their SWANS are going to turn out to be more like small baby DUCKS, launched prematurely and with little power. Perhaps still causing some problems, but nothing like what the enemy wanted or intended. One event will be bigger than the others, but even that one will be ineffectual.
Have a great Sunday! :D
A couple of nights ago I saw in a dream some black ducklings. They were in a box on a sort of wooden stand, not on the ground. I was so struck by the fact that they were BLACK because I'd never seen a black mallard before. There were 3 or 4 very young ones and one that was a little older and bigger but still quite small and young. Some of them had a little bright white feather poking out of their pitch black feathers near the base of their wings.
For all y'all who believe God speaks to us through dreams, this is what I believe this represented: The enemy is planning a handful of black swan events, but they've been infiltrated by white hats. Their SWANS are going to turn out to be more like small baby DUCKS, launched prematurely and with little power. Perhaps still causing some problems, but nothing like what they enemy wanted or intended. One event will be bigger than the others, but even that one will be ineffectual.
Have a great Sunday! :D
A couple of nights ago I saw in a dream some black ducklings. They were in a box on a sort of stand, not on the ground. I was so struck by the fact that they were BLACK because I'd never seen a black mallard before. There were 3 or 4 very young ones and one that was a little older and bigger but still quite small and young. Some of them had a little bright white feather poking out of their pitch black feathers near the base of their wings.
For all y'all who believe God speaks to us through dreams, this is what I believe this represented: The enemy is planning a handful of black swan events, but they've been infiltrated by white hats. Their SWANS are going to turn out to be more like small baby DUCKS, launched prematurely and with little power. Perhaps still causing some problems, but nothing like what they enemy wanted or intended. One event will be bigger than the others, but even that one will be ineffectual.
Have a great Sunday! :D