The fighting is a necessary means to keep us enslaved. We don't realize the slow trickle of subjugation that is the devaluation of the dollar and the increasing polarization of rich and poor as they pay themselves through various lobby and bailouts. The best way to keep us distracted is yelling racism, creating trans fights, shootings, derailments, climate change, etc. The only enemy are the billionaires at the top shaking the ant jar. Mods on this site will even buy into fighting amongst conservatives if you don't believe a certain prophecy.
The fighting is a necessary means to keep us enslaved. We don't realize the slow trickle of subjugation that is the devaluation of the dollar and the increasing polarization of rich and poor as they pay themselves through various lobby and bailouts. The best way to keep us distracted is yelling racism, creating trans fights, shootings, derailments, climate change, etc. The only enemy are the billionaires at the top shaking the ant jar. Mods on this sight will even buy into fighting amongst conservatives if you don't believe a certain prophecy.