I presently use the organite zapper from this site...
But I am looking to purchase either a Rife machine or a more advanced zapper...
I take a lot of supplements and I have zapped for years...so I have been doing all this for a very long time. I will say...the things I have added since I had covid almost 2 years ago have had a positive impact on my health....I also use many of the orgonite products this site sells...
I presently use the organite zapper from this site...
But I am looking to purchase either a Rife machine or a more advanced zapper...
I take a lot of supplements and I have zapped for years...so I have been doing all this for a very long time. I will say...the things I have added since I had covid almost 2 years ago have had a positive impact on y health....I also use many of the orgonite products this site sells...