Says 100 US personnel in Ukraine, of those only 29 are Department of Defense personnel, which includes an undefined number of MSAU (Marine Security Augmentation Unit) and 14 defined as SOF (Special Operations Forces).
That is an embassy security detail and liasons and other admin could easily account for the "United States Special Operations Forces" being counted -- not Special Forces. Not saying we don't have SF there, but this document isn't saying that we do.
Says 100 US personnel in Ukraine, of those only 29 are Department of Defense personnel, which includes an undefined number of MSAU (Marine Security Augmentation Unit) and 14 defined as SOF (Special Operations Forces).
That is an embassy security detail and probably Special Operations Command admin would account for the "United States Special Operations Forces" being counted -- not Special Forces. Not saying we don't have SF there, but this document isn't saying that we do.
Says 100 US personnel in Ukraine, of those only 29 are Department of Defense personnel, which includes an undefined number of MSAU (Marine Security Augmentation Unit) and 14 defined as SOF (Special Operations Forces).
That is an embassy security detail and probably a small civil affairs team accounts for the "United States Special Operations Forces" being counted -- not Special Forces. Not saying we don't have SF there, but this document isn't saying that we do.
SF are USSOF, but USSOF can be a lot of things that are not SF. Civil Affairs, Psychological Operations, staff officers and some supporting NCOs working as liasons to special operations command (normal admin shit at an embassy, and its probably extra normal if the host nation is hot for there to be an uptick in SOF admin at the embassy).
Says 100 US personnel in Ukraine, of those only 29 are Department of Defense personnel, which includes an undefined number of MSAU (Marine Security Augmentation Unit) and 14 defined as SOF (Special Operations Forces).
That is an embassy security detail and probably a small civil affairs team accounts for the "United States Special Operations Forces" being counted -- not Special Forces. Not saying we don't have SF there, but this document isn't saying that we do.
SF are USSOF, but USSOF can be a lot of things that are not SF. Civil Affairs, Psychological Operations, staff officers working as liasons to special operations command (normal admin shit at an embassy, and its probably extra normal if the host nation is hot for there to be an uptick in SOF admin at the embassy).
Says 100 US personnel in Ukraine, of those only 29 are Department of Defense personnel, which includes an undefined number of MSAU (Marine Security Augmentation Unit) and 14 defined as SOF (Special Operations Forces).
That is an embassy security detail and probably a small civil affairs team accounts for the "United States Special Operations Forces" being counted -- not Special Forces. Not saying we don't have SF there, but this document isn't saying that we do.
SF are USSOF, but USSOF can be a lot of things that are not SF. Civil Affairs, Psychological Operations, staff officers working as liasons to special operations command (normal shit at an embassy, and its probably extra normal if the host nation is hot for there to be an uptick in SOF at the embassy).
Says 100 US personnel in Ukraine, of those only 29 are Department of Defense personnel, which includes an undefined number of USSOF and MSAU (Marine Security Augmentation Unit).
That is an embassy security detail and probably a small civil affairs team accounts for the "United States Special Operations Forces" being counted -- not Special Forces. Not saying we don't have SF there, but this document isn't saying that we do.