... this scandal lead in Germany to dismantling of our former offical federal health agency "Bundesgesundheitsamt" leading to the empowerment of the Robert Koch Institute and the Charité in Berlin - which were quiet leading the Corona-Plandemic.
(In my view this was a long-planned event to empower public-private structures to conduct future plandemics. The arguments for the dismantling of the Bundesgesundheitsamt were quiet "far-fetched and manufactured" and the whole thing resulted in having the RKI being heavily empowered and influenceable by the German Government during the Rona-Years.)
The committee invastigating this blood-donor scandal was headed by the doctor-father of PCR-"inventor" Christian Drosten (Charité) = Willi-Kurt Roth!
History and Future of Nucleic Acid Amplification Technology Blood Donor Testing
Together with the German Red Cross (!) Willi Kurt Roth founded the GFE-Blut GmbH which are selling PCR-related products until today.
... this scandal lead in Germany to dismantling of our former offical federal health agency "Bundesgesundheitsamt" leading to the empowerment of the Robert Koch Institute and the Charité in Berlin - which were quiet leading the Corona-Plandemic.
(In my view this was a long-planned event to empower public-private structures to conduct future plandemics. The arguments for the dismantling of the Bundesgesundheits were quiet "far-fetched and manufactured" and the whole thing resulted in having the RKI being heavily influenceable by the German Government during the Rona-Years.)
The committee invastigating this blood-donor scandal was headed by the doctor-father of PCR-"inventor" Christian Drosten (Charité) = Willi-Kurt Roth!
History and Future of Nucleic Acid Amplification Technology Blood Donor Testing
Together with the German Red Cross (!) Willi Kurt Roth founded the GFE-Blut GmbH which are selling PCR-related products until today.
... this scandal lead in Germany to dismantling of our former offical federal health agency "Bundesgesundheitsamt" leading to the empowerment of the Robert Koch Institute and the Charité in Berlin - which were quiet leading the Corona-Plandemic.
The committee invastigating this blood-donor scandal was headed by the doctor-father of PCR-"inventor" Christian Drosten (Charité) = Willi-Kurt Roth!
History and Future of Nucleic Acid Amplification Technology Blood Donor Testing
Together with the German Red Cross (!) Willi Kurt Roth founded the GFE-Blut GmbH which are selling PCR-related products until today.