The nose was long, very smalll at the root and pointing down, like a hawk.
Even when smiling, he had an overall vibe like sharp, clever and aggressive.
= Sharp, tight, controlled, clever/tricky!
The new Biden has too much round, smooth and weak features. Even when we get old, frail and silly our lifelong charackter shows through the body feature, because they were formed by it. With old Biden he would have been skinny, edgy, hard..
With the current Biden the whole SHARPNESS of body and mind is totally gone: Weak, round, soft like a pudding that he is. This 'Biden' never was clever and tricky like the old one.
The nose was long, very smalll at the root and pointing down, like a hawk.
Even when smiling, he had an overall vibe like sharp, clever and aggressive.
= Sharp, tight, controlled, clever/tricky!
The new Biden has to much round, smooth and weak features. Even when we get old, frail and silly our lifelong charackter shows through the body feature, because they were formed by it. With old Biden he would have been skinny, edgy, hard.
With the current Biden the whole SHARPNESS of body and mind is totally gone: Weak, round, soft like a pudding that he is. This 'Biden' never was clever and tricky like the old one.