With steel resolve. For my Grandchildren and yours. Rage! against the dying of the light. The lines have been drawn and all that is left are Patriots and traitors. Patrick Henry's words have never rang truer: 'Give me Liberty, or give me Death!' I will no longer tolerate the weak and cowardly. Get in the fight or get the fuck out of the way. This is a time for men to do what they must. I am prepared and I await the call.
With steel resolve. For my Grandchildren and yours. The lines have been drawn and all that is left are Patriots and traitors. Patrick Henry's words have never rang truer: 'Give me Liberty, or give me Death!' I will no longer tolerate the weak and cowardly. Get in the fight or get the fuck out of the way. This is a time for men to do what they must. I am prepared and I await the call.
With steel resolve. For my Grandchildren and yours. The lines have been drawn and all that is left are Patriots and traitors. Patrick Henry's words have never rang truer: 'Give me Liberty, or give me Death'. I will no longer tolerate the weak and cowardly. Get in the fight or get the fuck out of the way. This is a time for men to do what they must. I am prepared and I await the call.
With steel resolve. For my Grandchildren and yours. The lines have been drawn and all that is left are Patriots and traitors. Patrick Henry's words have never rang truer: 'Give me Liberty, or give me Death'. I will no longer tolerate the weak and cowardly. Get in the fight or get the fuck out of the way. This is a time for men to do what they must.
With steel resolve. For my Grandchildren and yours. The lines have been drawn and all that is left are Patriots and traitors. Patrick Henry's words have never rang truer: 'Give me Liberty, or give me Death'. I will no longer tolerate the weak and cowardly. Get in the fight or get the fuck out of the way.
With steel resolve. For my Grandchildren and yours. The lines have been drawn and all that is left are Patriots and traitors. Patrick Henry's words have never rang truer: 'Give me Liberty, or give me Death'.