No. The Brunson case is about making contract law and tort claims against members of Congress over the electoral college certification. No serious legal mind thinks that is viable. Nobody of discerning judgment here ought to see Jim Bob Cooter Brunson & Co as anything but snake hopium salesmen pushing retard level lawsuits filled with all sorts of hyperbolic statements about treason and fraud (which are not what they actually pled in the complaint) to capitalize on people’s righteous outrage over the 2020 fraud rubber stamp.
The Brunson case(s) are retard level 11. These buffoons should be ridiculed into oblivion. Especially for fund raising on it. Fuckin guys don’t have legal fees because they are pro se. It would take about 3-4 hours to write and file this idiotic lawsuit.
I love everyone here in spite of any differences we might butt heads over. But you guys have got to stop falling for this Brunson case bullshit. It is going nowhere, it should go nowhere, and those people need to go back under the rock from which they came. The case is “Real Raw News” level bogus.
No. The Brunson case is about making contract law and tort claims against members of Congress over the electoral college certification. No serious legal mind thinks that is viable. Nobody of discerning judgment here ought to see Jim Bob Cooter Brunson & Co as anything but snake hopium salesmen pushing retard level lawsuits filled with all sorts of hyperbolic statements about treason and fraud (which are not what they actually pled in the complaint) to capitalize on people’s righteous outrage over the 2020 fraud rubber stamp.
The Brunson case(s) are retard level 11. These buffoons should be ridiculed into oblivion. Especially for fund raising on it. Fuckin guys don’t have legal fees because they are pro se. It would take about 3-4 hours to write and file this idiotic lawsuit.
I love everyone here in spite of any differences we might butt heads over. But you guys have got to stop falling for this Brunson case bullshit. It is going nowhere, it should go nowhere, and those people need to go back under the rock from which they came from. The case is “Real Raw News” level bogus.