Maybe the answer to your question is more esoteric than maybe appears at first glance.
We are in transition from one energy type to the next. It means that previously built systems no longer function well because people become different as they are influenced by the change in the nature of the universal energy.
Interestingly, when you would look at Human Design (HD), it is remarkable that instead of 7 chakras, there are 9. It is not because what the yogis found out about our bodies is wrong. It simply is a change in the make up under the guidance of energy. It also means that yoga, despite it benefits, is not fully suited anymore. It falls short.
Within the system of HD other changes in the general make-up of people is visible, especially after 2027. HD predicts the birth of children living in a different way, so called: rave children.
It all points to a transition from one energy type to the next. Loo and behold, we are moving from Pisces into Aquarius. It simply means, left unchecked, that systems built on Pisces energy, will deteriorate and erode until there is nothing left.
So, how to keep Pisces systems in tact? Digitization. Build a prison for the mind away from the natural body with Trans-humanism, etc.
Don't you find it highly cohencidental that the jab interferes in the DNA? That there is a gargantuan push to get children on the trans-train? That there is a gargantuan push to change foods? That there is a gargantuan push to make a digital life?
I guess we could list much more in terms of dietary, social, governmental, physical changes these agenda's push for.
It is almost as to prevent children to be born after 2027 to embody the changes in energy type, because they want to control what type of children are born from which parents when and where.
This would prevent mankind to live according to the natural movements of energy and away from their God-given rights.
So, why 16 years?
It is counted from a certain point in time. So, what was so important about 2008? I mean looking at the US, it matters not which party was at the helm in 2000. The Florida chads made no difference, as 9/11 would have been executed nonetheless. Maybe the effects on the US society would have been more far reaching with Dems in charge. But looking at the world stage in 2000, the ingredients were not yet ready. But in '08 there were! The people were ready to be programmed. Hence, the test-runs. And as always it concerns: interest damaging events. Rights vs interests.
And notice how these ass-clowns always seem to falter and blame outside influences. "Sorry, there was nothing we could do to prevent it". Trump would call them "stupid people". And they are. Brain-dead, the lot of them! But these people are not stupid in the classical sense. They are bought and paid for, acting out a play designed by dark people on the background. ( see also:
The play: create an environment of learned helplessness and dependency by increasing the debt, inflation, high costs of living, drug dependent health, mass immigration, off-shoring, corruption and bad decisions, contradicting & bad laws, regulations and statutes. And on these wings, pervert the one thing that could prevent an awakening: the News, while leading people into the digital form causing the system of finance to become sovereign. (see unicoin).
Maybe the answer to your question is more esoteric than maybe appears at first glance.
We are in transition from one energy type to the next. It means that previously built systems no longer function well because people become different as they are influenced by the change in the nature of the universal energy.
Interestingly, when you would look at Human Design (HD), it is remarkable that instead of 7 chakras, there are 9. It is not because what the yogi's found out about our bodies is wrong. It simply is a change in the make up under the guidance of energy. It also means that yoga, despite it benefits, is not fully suited anymore. It falls short.
Within the system of HD other changes in the general make-up of people is visible, especially after 2027. HD predicts the birth of children living in a different way, so called: rave children.
It all points to a transition from one energy type to the next. Loo and behold, we are moving from Pisces into Aquarius. It simply means, left unchecked, that systems built on Pisces energy, will deteriorate and erode until there is nothing left.
So, how to keep Pisces systems in tact? Digitization. Built a prison for the mind away from the natural body, Trans-humanism, etc.
Don't you find it highly cohencidental that the jab interferes in the DNA? that there is a gargantuan push to get children on the trans-train? that there is a gargantuan push to change foods? that there is a gargantuan push to make a digital?
I guess we could list much more in terms of dietal, social, governmental, physical changes these agenda's push for.
It is almost as to prevent children to be born after 2027 to embody the changes in energy type because they want to control what type of children are born from which parents when and where.
This would prevent mankind to live according to the natural movements of energy and away from their God-given rights.
So, why 16 years?
It is counted from a certain point in time. So, what was so important about 2008? I mean looking at the US, it matters not which party is at the helm in 2000. The Florida chads made no difference, as 9/11 would have been executed nonetheless. Maybe the effects on the US society would have been more far reaching with dems in charge. But looking at the world stage in 2000, the ingredients were not yet ready. But in 08 there were. The people were ready to be programmed. Hence the test-runs. And as always it concerns: interest damaging events. Rights vs interests.
And notice how these ass-clowns always seem to falter and blame outside influences. Sorry, there was nothing we could do to prevent it. Trump would call them stupid people. They are. Brain-dead, the lot of them. But these people are not stupid in the classical sense. They are bought and paid for, acting out a play designed by dark people on the background. ( see also:
the play: create an environment of learned helplessness and dependency by increasing the debt, inflation, high costs of living, drug dependent health, mass immigration, off-shoring, corruption and bad decisions, contradicting & bad laws, regulations and statutes. And on these wings, pervert the one thing that could prevent an awakening: the news, while leading people into the digital form causing the system of finance to become sovereign. (see unicoin).