Perhaps maybe. Sky we’re also pro poison jabs, so they were also reading from the script. Likely the usual distraction, push/pull approach, to keep those complacent even more hope and add fuel to inaction. We have plenty of media and so called freedom fighters that are merely paytriots. When push came to shove at the height of the scamdemic, hundreds of thousands got sent home by an group of under 100 uniform thugs. That’s the moment I knew Australia has truly fallen.
The sooner the 25% at least realise that nobody will save this country but it’s own citizen, the closer this beautiful country might have a chance.
Perhaps maybe. Sky we’re also pro poison jabs, so they were also reading from the script. Likely the usual distraction, push/pull approach, to keep those complacent even more hope and add fuel to inaction. We have plenty of media and so called freedom fighters that are merely paytriots. When push came to shove at the height of the scamdemic, hundreds of thousands got sent home by an group of under 100 uniform thugs. That’s the moment I knew Australia has truly fallen.