Definitely check for drug interactions between ivermectin and any other drugs he is taking. I take NAC every day and I really like that. Also please be sure his vitamin D levels are above 50 ng/mL...find out with a blood test. You must also take vitamin K with it. I take 10,000IU's each day with a Super K from Life Extension and I was in the mid 20 I am 60 ng/mL...and I believe D, K, NAC, black Cumin seed oil and ivermectin are the most important supplements I have been just see your health improve in so many ways. This is just from my experience...
Definitely check for drug interactions between ivermectin and any other drugs he is taking. I take NAC every day and I really like that. Also please be sure his vitamin D levels are above 50 ng/mL...find out with a blood test. You must also take vitamin K with it. I take 10,000IU's each day with a Super K from Life Extension and I was in the mid 20 I am 60 ng/mL...and I believe D, K, NAC, black Cumin seed oil and ivermectin are the most important supplements I have been just s your health improve in so many ways. This is just from my experience...