This is a misunderstanding/misrepresentation at best, and a deliberate hoax at worst.
No one needs to spend a penny, let alone 20k, in order to know the expected measurements from a stationary rlg (ring laser gyroscope).
Michelson–Gale–Pearson first made this observation in 1925. It has nothing to do with the shape of the earth! it has to do with its rotation in regards to luminiferous aether.
To any of you with an interest in this subject (for, against, neutral) please join us on flatearthresearch to explore it and exchange perspectives!
This is a misunderstanding/misrepresentation at best, and a deliberate hoax at worst.
No one should have to spend a penny, let alone 20k, in order to know the expected measurements from a stationary rlg (ring laser gyroscope).
Michelson–Gale–Pearson first made this observation in 1925. It has nothing to do with the shape of the earth! it has to do with its rotation in regards to luminiferous aether.
To any of you with an interest in this subject (for, against, neutral) please join us on flatearthresearch to explore it and exchange perspectives!