I'm seeking to find Christian leaders here(that belong to a solid church) that can help with Prayer Garden. Don't wanna say to much just yet. God has put something's on my heart. Just gonna leave this here. If u feel led please reach out. Please pray on it. Love u all
I would also add to not sell yourself short if u don't believe u are a leader. It's not all about biblical knowledge. A willingness to serve with boldness goes a long way.. Jesus came to fisherman as well. Love u all
I'm seeking to find Christian leaders here(that belong to a solid church) that can help with Prayer Garden. Don't wanna say to much. Just gonna leave this here. If u feel led please reach out. Please pray on it. Love u all
I would also add to not sell yourself short if u don't believe u are a leader. It's not all about biblical knowledge. A willingness to serve with boldness goes a long way.. Jesus came to fisherman as well. Love u all
I'm seeking to find Christian leaders here(that belong to a solid church) that can help with Prayer Garden. Don't wanna say to much. Just gonna leave this here. If u feel led please reach out. Please pray on it. Love u all
I would also add to not sell yourself short if u don't believe u are a leader. It's not all about biblical knowledge. Jesus came to fisherman as well. Love u all