In spite of the high production value and great action scenes, the central thesis of the show as presented by Dr Halsey is that "humanity is bad, needs to become machine".
I guess they don't have psychologists, pastors, and yogi's in space?
Must have forgotten to put that in the defense budget....
The same tired propaganda line used by transhumanists is put in full force here "This is the next stage of human evolution" (man becoming machine).
And as per typical of transhumanists, they COMPLETELY IGNORE personal development, spiritual growth, psychological growth, self-awareness, etc which allows us to control our instincts (we already have this ability, its part of the journey of life).
Cortana is portrayed as much more innocent (similar to her early days in the video game), but nonetheless the human characters are not.
The show also completely destroys the master chief's heroic, aspirational character.
Humans spend more time fighting each other than they do the covenant aliens. This is written intentionally to support the shows thesis "Humans are bad".
The level of conflict and drama, as is typical with the 'aaron sorkin' school of screenwriting is ratcheted up to ridiculous levels.
In real life, do people really argue this much?
The show also depicts child murder and attempted rape.
Breaks canon multiple types and ignores/changes aspects of the core story and character.
And subtle wokeism, commander keys is needlessly recast as a black guy, meanwhile Sergeant Major Avery Junior Johnson is absent.
In spite of the high production value and great action scenes, the central thesis of the show as presented by Dr Halsey is that "humanity is bad, needs to become machine".
I guess they don't have psychologists, pastors, and yogi's in space?
Must have forgotten to put that in the defense budget....
The same tired propaganda line used by transhumanists is put in full force here "This is the next stage of human evolution" (man becoming machine).
And as per typical of transhumanists, they COMPLETELY IGNORE personal development, spiritual growth, psychological growth, self-awareness, etc which allows us to control our instincts (we already have this ability, its part of the journey of life).
Cortana is portrayed as much more innocent (similar to her early days in the video game), but nonetheless the human characters are not.
The show also completely destroys the master chief's heroic, aspirational character.
Humans spend more time fighting each other than they do the covenant aliens. This is written intentionally to support the shows thesis "Humans are bad".
The level of conflict and drama, as is typical with the 'aaron sorkin' school of screenwriting is ratcheted up to ridiculous levels.
In real life, do people really argue this much?
The show also depicts child murder and attempted rape.
Breaks canon multiple types and ignores/changes
And subtle wokeism, commander keys is needlessly recast as a black guy, meanwhile Sergeant Major Avery Junior Johnson is absent.