I thought the Payseurs, who are supposedly descended from Louis XVI son, are from the Merovingian line. And I think the Merovingians believe that thier line contains the blood of Christ and that the antichrist will come from their family. I remember something about Napolean being opposed to the Merovingians. Is it the Merovingians or the Carolingian line thats from Charlemagne? My French history has some holes in it.
Neon Revolt back in 2018 or so thought (P) in the Q posts was the Payseurs. He did a really long post tracing the line. Its been scrubbed now it seems. The link I had saved is broken now. I have it saved offline but yea not happening atm lol.
I thought the Payseurs, who are descended from Louis XVI son, are from the Merovingian line. And I think the Merovingians believe that thier line contains the blood of Christ and that the antichrist will come from their family. I remember something about Napolean being opposed to the Merovingians. Is it the Merovingians or the Carolingian line thats from Charlemagne? My French history has some holes in it.
Neon Revolt back in 2018 or so thought (P) in the Q posts was the Payseurs. He did a really long post tracing the line. Its been scrubbed now it seems. The link I had saved is broken now. I have it saved offline but yea not happening atm lol.
I thought the Payseurs, who are descended from Louis XVI son, are from the Merovingian line. And I think the Merovingians believe that thier line contains the blood of Christ and that the antichrist will come from their family. I remember something about Napolean being opposed to the Merovingians. My French history has some holes in it.
Neon Revolt back in 2018 or so thought (P) in the Q posts was the Payseurs. He did a really long post tracing the line. Its been scrubbed now it seems. The link I had saved is broken now. I have it saved offline but yea not happening atm lol.